I may be interested in something short-form to start. Something similar to a one-shot, ending well before reaching a significant post count. I just have a few Caveats... 1. I'm a little cautious when writing with new people. I've never totally ghosted anyone, but if I'm not invested in the story, I will respectfully withdraw. Considering I GM about 80% of the stuff I'm in, this [i]usually [/i]comes from a lack of activity. 2. My favorite type of narrative in roleplaying doesn't take itself [b]too[/b] seriously. Liekwise, I only have so much patience for wacky-tacky nonsense. I'm all for Anime Bullshit, because it can be hilarious, but there's a limit, naturally. 3. No R-rated Adult content, thanks. I'm not about that life. With all that in mind, I'm all about the following Genres... - Horror - Fantasy - Shounen Action (I really can't stress how guilty of a pleasure this is) A few of your custom settings seem fairly interesting, but for a first go, I'd rather use an established setting, or create something brand new. On that note, I may be able to fetch 1 or 2 players to join if the Genres are Fantasy/Shounen (Probably HeroAca TBH), and action oriented. I can't really guarantee a good group dynamic, but hey, that's showbiz. I'm also fairly good at getting them to post at a reasonable pace. :golfclap HMU