[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Underground complex, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] Veronica shook her head slowly at the cheeky commentary of the bear sisters, as the acquired less floppy or fleshy shields, resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the theft of the guards' belts. It's not like they were incorrect after all; such a simple theft could cause unusual amounts of trouble for the victim. [hr] The vampire winced, as the barred gate opened with not exactly the preferred amount of silence. She'd sort of expected it, of course, as she had been mentally bracing herself for stealth to end here and a far more direct portion of the mission to begin. Even being prepared, however, didn't stop her from wanting to cringe at the noise. Thankfully, despite her concerns, it seemed the action didn't interrupt the roaring noise of someone sawing logs in another small adjacent room. Veronica tensed further at the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from the tunnel leading to the manor, only for the following conversation to make her eyes widen in disbelieving elation. That was all the guards down here accounted for, wasn't it? They'd just left this place basically undefended! She said as much in a quick whisper. [color=ed1c24]"I... this is excellent fortune! Unless something has changed since I scried it, I do believe they just left this level totally undefended... save for the mage and bear."[/color] At the sound of retreating footsteps, she finally dared to slip into the antechamber, slitted crimson eyes flicking about warily, as she made a quiet beeline for the pathway to the laboratory. [color=ed1c24]"Solomon, if you wouldn't mind utilizing that... [i]powerful-smelling[/i] substance again to ensure the last guard's sleep is far deeper, that would be an excellent way to wrap this up cleanly. I was honestly expecting a fight, but let's not waste this chance to have complete surprise on our side."[/color] With that said, Veronica slunk into the left passageway, her pace hurried but not outright running, making sure to muffle and silence her footfalls with practiced footwork. She carefully hugged the wall without actually touching it, her scythe slowly shrinking down to the size of a sickle to avoid the thin chance of it loudly jostling against the walls or floor in transit. She still kept it in hand, however, as her other hand withdrew a trio of throwing knives. She was slightly concerned about the potential of the other larger bear in the area ahead smelling their approach, but she mentally crossed her fingers that the powerful stench of blood and chemicals in the air would have muffled and overwhelmed his senses by being at the epicenter. If not? Well, she was expecting to have to go loud at this point anyway.