[@Zeroth][@The World] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Xiao had arrived in Inokashira Park a few hours before the meeting started. Scoping out and observing the cultists were preparing the meeting. Most of them were building and setting up strange effigies that were planted in the ground. Some of them were setting up tents and catering vans were present. Large muscular men were coming out of the van, carrying large containers of food. Xiao was wearing a black sweater, black jeans, and black athletic shoes. Hidden underneath his sweater was a pair of nunchucks. Something he would use if he would need to defend himself. He watched them from behind some bushes before joining them as the meeting was starting. The sun was setting and the sky was darkening turning a mixture of pink, blue, and yellow. It was quite a pleasant sight for the man. Showing one of the cultists the flyer and lying that he had been recently recruited. “[color=39b54a]I apologize for being late, I was stuck in traffic.[/color]” He said watching the cultist nodding his head. All of the cultists he noticed were wearing all-white robes with brown sandals. “That is okay brother, you have just gotten here in time. Please mingle with the others before the meeting starts.” The cultist smiled before leaving. Xiao was creeped out by the cultist’s smile felt otherworldly. He noticed many noticeable faces among the members. He recognized famous actors, politicians, models, and other powerful figures. The actor had quick conversations with the actors he recognized. Gathering information about the cult through small talk. From what he had figured out through conversation the group seemed focused on a person bettering themselves. Mostly stuff that he had heard from new-age religions in the past. The one thing that interested him was the name of the leader. The leader was a man named Satoshi Miura a failed politician who had been missing for a few months before reappearing. It was strange as he thought that his political career was dead thanks to his corruption. But it seemed someone had given him some sort of power in this little group. He assumed that there was someone else really leading this group, and Miura was the figurehead of the group. After a while, Xiao noticed the “leader” Satoshi walking up to a podium. The other cultist quickly get in their seat. After everyone was seated the failed politician spoke. “Welcome everyone to tonight’s mass. I am glad to see that our congregation is becoming larger than before. I know you are all scared by the recent attacks, I empathize with you and i assure you that you will be protected. All we need to do is pray.” And with that, everyone started chanting except of course for Xiao. The actor noticed that the statue behind the podium was starting to glow a little. The light was slowly getting brighter and was in his eyes quite ethereal. The others would notice the light coming from the statue. To them it was bright and they would see an image of the person they love. For Xiao, it was his wife and child. He was awestruck before being taken out of his trance by his “companion” slapping him hard on the side of his face. Xiao finally noticed that the faces of the cultists were transfixed on Satoshi and the statue. Some of the cultists started to cry blood which he thought was not a good sign of whatever was going on. Standing up from his chair and pulling out his nunchucks from under his sweater. “[color=39b54a]JACK FROST.[/color]” He cried out while Jack appeared behind the tall man and moved beside him. Xiao quickly made his way towards the podium where Satoshi was. But before he could get there he was blocked by two cultists. Satoshi was busy still with his speech while the glow of the statue seemed to glow brighter. As if he was trying to summon something. “[color=39b54a]Stop what you are doing, you are hurting these people.[/color]" Xiao screamed over the chanting pointing towards the transfixed crowd. Satoshi was not listening and stopped as the crowd kept chanting. “Why do you not want to be in the loving embrace of god?” Satoshi said thinking it was confusing to him that Xiao was resisting. He looked surprised to see the burning symbol on the back of Xiao’s hand. “Are you chosen by god to be his servant? I am confused as to why you would attack your fellow man?” “[color=39b54a]” I do not follow anyone, I am using this power to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Don’t you see the blood coming out of your follower’s eyes? How is harming them going to give them any sort of enlightenment?[/color]” Xiao noticed the cultist blocking Satoshi pulling sharp-looking kitchen knives out of their robes. “They are being embraced by the holy light of Elohim. The process is completely harmless my son, they will wake up soon and become more dedicated to the cause.” Satoshi said with an eerie smile. This didn’t sound like a very good thing for the followers. Xiao prepared himself for a fight as he noticed Satoshi summoning two demons. One was a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/5/51/VirtueSMT2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20080806161941]Virtue[/url] and the other was a [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/e/ee/160_Cyclops.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20100514013047]Cyclop[/url] Xiao went for one of the cultists smacking him with the end of his nunchuck to try and knock him out. Jack Frost attacked the other cultist freezing his knife, so Xiao could knock him out as well. Satoshi commanded his demons to attack Xiao, and the actor would be defenceless unless the other chosen tried to help him out.