[hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][center] [B][Color=00ffff]Location: [/color][/b]Cafeteria [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Hacking [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vanhelsingmovie/images/d/da/Frank.jpg]Frank costume[/url][/center][hr]Well. Miss Flynn agreed to head inside, although Victoria was promptly left behind. Half success, she guessed? Anyhows, that left her in the awkward position in making eye contact with Cassie, and pretty much falling right next to her when they filed through the door. While she originally wanted to let her marinate, being in such a close proximity and ignoring her sister was way too rude for Victoria to stomach. She was raised better than that. [Color=00ffff]"Hey," [i]So you ARE alive?[/i][/color] she thought bitterly. [Color=00ffff]"Long time no talk." [i]NOT from the lack of trying![/i][/color] Seriously, what has been going on? [Color=00ffff]"Been busy?" [i]Go on, justify not returning any of my calls.[/i][/color] How did they and up like this in the span of just a few weeks? The more Victoria thought about it, the more it smelled of a setup. She briefly closed her eyes as they went red, pinging the area in an attempt to check Cassie for the presence of her phone and trying to access it to see what the problem might have been, before she made a scene. Eyes opening again, she raised an eyebrow and gave Cassandra a quizzical stare: [Color=00ffff]"Bubbles? So I guess that make me Bunny?"[/color] she said in a joking tone. [hider=Roll requests]Hack Cassie's phone to see whether she even received any of Vicky's contact attempts. Hacking skill.[/hider]