[@Typical] I do remember the thing you said about wanting to know the gender of the Pokémon you encounter. But, for the Pokémon you're training against, there's a whole bunch of them. You're bound to find both genders. As for the Delibird, eh. If I have to, let's say it's male. Anyway. Nicely posted. Oh, and for the Smokescreen thing. Absolutely, you can have Dei practice doing that. It's going to be a bit like how I write to Gardevoiran's Mac right now. Something that absolutely can be learned, but it's going to take some doing to learn something that isn't learned naturally. Oh, and how do you enjoy frozen mines, may I ask? [@Pirouette] I'm leaving it to you if you want to head for Bigfjord or Worldedge. So, you want a bit of a pressing goal? Would you elaborate on that? I could absolutely produce something like that. I'll just relax a bit for now, though. You just got off a major fight, hah. Also, I'd rather you not travel with a group this big, but you can keep at least a couple. Hey, Claire's heading for Bigfjord City after this, ain't she? Hahaha. I do like the touch of the -1 you put on the Potion you used, hehe. [@hatakekuro][@Joshua Tamashii] Lesley's the only NPC here, she'll hear what Basil have to say and listen for what Amelia is saying. I'm going to assume that Amelia's problems are in-character and not something the player is also feeling, haha. Character development. I do like when you players interact, so I did want to give an additional reason for it. If you'd like something else, I am all for that, too. Anyway! Do keep going. [@Gardevoiran] I like that little plan. I'm going to give it some backing, if you're okay with learning it over time. And also making breakthroughs where it's as dramatic as possible, hehehehehe. Anyway. How's it going?