[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/K1yaqQb.png[/img] [b][i]The Fastest Gun in Uvera[/i][/b][/center] Ken couldn't help but smile as his shock faded; the warmth and light of the orphanage, as well as the feeling that he was safe, was finally clawing its way to his senses. He wanted to stay, play with the other children, and maybe try and mend fences with the Elf once his' getting flustered at seeing her expose herself had faded. He ate in silence, but his eyes darted to the door every few seconds as if expecting a new visitor or an intruder; this wariness was rewarded when this other man, Kellen, entered the orphanage. Blue stains on his clothes, shaggy hair marred by clumps of dirt, glowing blue eyes that matched the powder he carried, a powder that sounded suspiciously like the narcotics synthesized by both Waltonians and Uverans; Ken knew the signs and what conclusions to make for now. Getting up from his seat after eating the last crumb of bread, he stepped towards Ms. Mayleaf and asked, "Who is he? What do you think happened to him? Maybe we - Okay, I - can help?" Then his tone grew slightly sharper, heavier, "I know what addictive drugs are; they're a universal problem. If people are trying to push them on innocents, that deserves punishment. So if you can point me to whoever may have hurt your... friend, and tell me whether force will help or if it would make things worse, well... again, I'm happy to help." He smiled before following up, his voice relaxing again, "We can discuss potential rewards later; heck, I'm even pondering doing it for free just because you were so kind to me and the Elf..." [@Renose][@Sho Minazuki]