Dance, dance, dance of violence. Like a dervish of steel Yvonne relentlessly pressed her assault, all focus fully locked on putting out the sole blinding light in a world of red. Dull clang of steel on a shield of light, followed by the latter morphing into a blade. Raise the mace to block, a momentary clash of strength where she refused to relent. Delving pulled back upon flanking, followed by the dull crack of an explosion. Her own heartbeat thundering in her ears, Yvonne charged forward before the dust even settled as her visage perpetually twisted into a savage rictus. Yet even under such state there's clarity within her mind, likely even clearer than her usual state. No superficial thoughts, no distraction, blaze to create a path to victory. Nothing else mattered. His attack was unnaturally swift thanks to his magic, but he was regardless still be hit from anyone outside of his focus. It meant his reaction speed couldn't keep up. An advantage she fully intended on exploiting. She will feint as she approached his reach, abruptly changing direction to circle to his back from where she'd launch another flurry of blows. To occupy his attention so that her allies can land their hits instead of claiming the killing blow herself. [b][color=#a4161a][i]Tick tock, old man. How long can your body keep up with this?[/i][/color][/b]