[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaGlic3M5YXc2bXNuY2h2MHI0cHdxbzIzZHIwNWFoNWdoYm03cGE4dSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/1X7xHKopCeZu1c7SaT/giphy.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]7:40 PM - Sun. October 31st, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hider=Trick or Treat 2023 Records][list][*]Mary Sue - Trick - Her backpack was stolen in the library! She'll have to replace her laptop/books/etc. [*]Vicky - Trick - Through a misunderstanding with a teacher (Usagi) Vicky has detention for the entire month of November [*]Sabine - Trick - someone hacked Sabine’s socials and put up some disgusting, bigoted content pretending to be her [*]Andy - Treat - Magneto sends her a gift, it’s a pair of vambraces that fit her perfectly, they’re made out of an unknown material and can deflect bullets and the like [*]Zari - Treat - On Halloween morning, Zari also gets a present from her family. It’s an enchanted tool belt. Whatever tool she needs if she reaches for it, it’s there [*]Leah - Trick - After the Monster Mash when Leah returns to her room, there is a postcard on the wall from Oslo. Written on it is her birth name. Nothing else. [*]Dorian - Treat - On Halloween day, Dorian’s father sends him a ~spooky~ gift. It’s a mini dinosaur! And by mini I mean like 6 inches tall. But it’s alive! [/list][/hider] [@Nallore][@Forsythe][@BlueSky44]: Vicky would manage to successfully hack her sister's phone. Cassie's phone usage over the past few weeks seems to have been somewhat limited, typically occurring during the school day and during training hours. She had sent messages to the family group chat (Hope, Scott, and Vicky), to a Young Avengers group chat, and to a group chat with America and Kate. She hadn't placed any calls. Her music listening habits have been focused on soft, somewhat sad, indie songs. "Yeah, super busy," Cassie admitted. "We were just mentioning to Diana - Vis has really been putting us through it. Way harder than last year." Kate raised a slight eyebrow at Zelda and her obvious shyness, but she didn't say anything. It seemed to her that Zelda would prefer if Kate didn't say anything to her at all - or acknowledge her existence. "Yeah, let's do the haunted house! It's gotta be [i]freaky[/i]," America agreed, before the group shifted towards heading in that direction, getting into the line for the house/maze. "What d'you think Nimue's got in there? People seem pretty shaken..." she then observed, seeing as a group exited, most of them in tears. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0a/93/2b0a9358189229cfe46020b75a8fc358.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Monster Mash - Cafeteria [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=42A9FF]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D0dbXxxU0AA86cH.jpg:large]Perfuma from She-Ra[/url] [hr][hr][/center] They made it to the dance, and it was everything April could've hoped for - and thankfully not a complete repeat of last year's Monster Mash. They had all linked arms on the way there, which was interesting when it came to getting their large group through the entrance to the cafeteria, and required a lot of maneuvering around like they were playing Tetris. But still, they were there. Practically everyone in the school was there too, dressed up in different costumes - April spotted Diana nearby talking with the PowerPuff Girls. [color=42A9FF]"Ooo, honestly I'm down to start with [i]anything[/i] - it doesn't look like they've made the announcements yet, which is good. But maybe we start with dancing then, and let the lovebirds go off to Nimue's House of Nightmares or whatever it's called? I thought it was a maze? I'm confused. But whatever! It's time to party!! And pre-celebrate our wins!!"[/color] April gushed. She nodded at what Sabine said to Leah, reaching out and giving Leah a gentle squeeze on the arm, careful not to mess up the costume. [color=42A9FF]"Yeah, it's so so so so cool that you're here! So what do you wanna do first? Or anything at all? Like what's your top ten bucket list must-dos for tonight?"[/color] They were only juniors once after all - and it was their first dance as a polycule. April didn't even know how polycules danced together, but she was trying not to stress out about it too too much. [color=42A9FF]"What about you, Mads? Did you wanna dance first with us?"[/color] April then added, grinning at her roommie. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5908331ec0b49a380a9c956f183679b4/3b2fd09da33ce029-24/s400x600/b3bf361ddcf40d23e95ba393968305ec799fe0c3.gif[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Monster Mash - Cafeteria [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=ed1c24]Costume:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.williamjacket.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Doctor-Who-David-Tennant-Suit-Blue.jpg]the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who[/url] [hr][hr][/center] Percy was not a fan of [i]everyone[/i] linking arms to head to the dance together. It felt ridiculous and silly, like something he had already outgrown by the age of three. And furthermore, he had wanted to escort Dorian himself - he didn't imagine that Danni would be on the other side, linking arms. He tried his best not to scowl too much or look upset, but he wasn't always the best when it came to schooling his facial features, so it came out looking more or less like a slight grimace. He was no happier when they made it to the Monster Mash, either. Percy was an old man at heart - he wasn't into loud music or crazy decorations or any of those things. He liked to be curled up in bed with a good cup of coffee, reading some archaic text. He wasn't particularly fond of having to scream over music in order to be heard, or drinking punch that - according to the movies at least - was doubtlessly spiked. He preferred to consume alcohol knowingly, once again in the private of his own room. It was easy to steal those sort of things as a teleporter. So when Dorian suggested they go to the haunted house/maze, Percy nodded. [color=ed1c24]"Of course,"[/color] he said. He wasn't really into haunted houses/mazes - to be honest, he'd never even done one before, so he had no idea what to expect. It had just never seemed like his thing. But he would grin and bear it - or at least just bear it - for Dorian's sake.