Quinn opened her mouth to answer it felt like a few times, but it was so hard to get a word in edgewise through Cyril and Sybil's conversation. Well...mostly through Cyril, really. And by the time there was a break in the conversation again, the older girl had gone. Fine dining, huh? "[color=ffe63d]Well, I've...I haven't ever eaten anywhere fancy before or anything,[/color]" she admitted, feeling almost embarrassed for a reason that she couldn't really understand. "[color=ffe63d]The Aerie is a lot less...[/color]" she fumbled for the proper wording and came up empty, then gave a kind of helpless shrug, "[color=ffe63d]Well, it's just [i]less.[/i] So I don't really know how.[/color]" Quinn knew very little about formal dining; mostly just what she'd seen in movies and stuff back when she was living with her parents. Too many forks, more spoons than were needed...a blurry mess that she didn't know if she would ever understand, or if she really even wanted to. it just sounded so [i]prescribed[/i], and it really rubbed her the wrong way for some reason. She knew that she never would've done it back on the Aerie. But at the same time, she'd...well, she wasn't on the Aerie, because the Aerie was the RISC base, and for the next few weeks, she was CSC. She blinked hard a few times, then breathed in a long, gentle breath. She needed to get used to this kind of thing, right? She was a pilot, after all. This wouldn't be the first time she needed to be fancy. Plus, she was still pretty hungry. "[color=ffe63d]But if you don't mind too bad, then...yeah, I'll come. I haven't eaten all day.[/color]"