[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BjtZNtv.png[/img][/center] [color=ed1c24]Location[/color]: Underground complex, Lab area, Stritzel's Estate, Western Kindeance. [hr] As she neared the end of the short passageway to the lab complex, Veronica paused, idly noting the light footfalls she was coming to associate with Varya behind her. Her attention was more focused, however, on the opening she could see branching away even further right from her position, concealing a side room. Though she'd already scried the area prior and was technically aware of the geography of the perhaps soon-to-be battle zone, there was no sense not making one final sweep. Her Sight leapt from her position, briefly sweeping across the lab complex's interior, looking to identify the location of anyone living within. First down the side passage to the left, then looking to the greater lab area and the holding cells. The side room to the west was empty. Meanwhile, exploring the lab all the way to the left, they will find a hall with three large cells. In that hall, a red-haired woman and a very large bear are walking toward the lab's main room and will soon be encountered by the team. Behind that unseemly pair, Cedar could be observed lying helplessly on one of the cells at the end of the hall. The main area of the lab complex, itself, the largest room -and the one the potential enemy duo was about to enter, was about 64 meters across at its widest point, from west to east, and the width was about 15 meters... a sizable space. Her eyes widening, Veronica released her Sight's gaze. If she didn't miss her guess, the passageway she could see on the opposite side of the large room was part of the escape tunnels Jazdia was concerned about. If they waited any longer, Widernia would not only have her back to that spot, but she would have the advantage of range as a mage in this large, open room. Not that Veronica's team didn't have ranged options of their own, but giving a mage of unknown capabilities space was just begging for trouble. Veronica murmured behind her quietly, [color=ed1c24]"Spotted the mage and bear, about to enter the main lab. [i]Quickly[/i]!"[/color] If they waited any longer, they'd lose the chance to close the distance and take advantage of the element of surprise. Veronica slunk around the corner, finally entering the primary lab area properly, and moved back until her back was facing the far wall from the probably escape tunnel. In her right hand, her scythe began to grow back to full size again, as she braced her right foot against the wall behind her as a foot stop. She wasn't aware of how much so, but she knew bears had fairly good hearing, so she was sure trying to sneak up on the mage while she had that titan beside her was a fool's errand, especially in a wide, spacious area like this that could better echo even the slightest sound. No, moving slowly and quietly here was out of the question, not without magic designed for it. So, she moved, giving her allies plenty of room to move past her or to use the corner as cover, and the moment either Widernia or the large bear stepped around the far corner, Veronica would launch herself from the wall in their direction, sprinting full ahead, as her scythe finished growing to full size. At her top safe sprinting speed, she would cover roughly 40 meters of the distance in 3 seconds, beyond which there was no guarantee in her mind that the enemy would stay too surprised to act, provided they had good reaction times, as she continued to sprint. She prepared to be attacked, ready to supplement her dodging with glimpses of the immediate future.