[center][table][row][cell] [right][colour=red][b][colour=gold]ꁲ ꂵ ꁲ ꋊ ꂠ ꂑ ꋊ ꈼ[/colour][/b] [sub][sup]ꋖ ꂑ ꂵ ꈼ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Day 2 [Afternoon] [/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]꒒ ꂦ ꀯ ꁲ ꋖ ꂑ ꂦ ꋊ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white]Bandit Ambush[/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]ꉣ ꁲ ꌅ ꋖ ꂑ ꀯ ꂑ ꉣ ꁲ ꋊ ꋖ ꌚ[/sup][/sub] [sup][colour=white][@WhiteAngel25] Faline [@Jamesyco] Torsten [@Herald] Conn [@jasbraq] Gus [@Damycles] Rock[/colour][/sup] [sub][sup]ꌚ ꂦ ꐇ ꋊ ꂠ ꋖ ꌅ ꁲ ꀯ ꀗ[/sup][/sub] [sup][url=https://youtu.be/UNp11vkanow?si=yO31SIKu0jkIxj2P]♫[/url][/sup][/colour][/right] [/cell][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/GoszZJq.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table][/center] Amandine tilted her head as she gazed at Faline. [colour=red]"Having a stick up there can become very uncomfortable, you know,"[/colour] she winked toward the red-head, then shrugged her shoulders as she gathered some twigs and dried leaves to create a makeshift fire. Amandine began to prepare the prized pheasant, looking pleased with herself as the bird crisped over the flames. Overhearing the comment about Athen the owl not being on the menu, she stuck her tongue out at Faline. [colour=red]"One less invited for the pheasant party if you’re not going to share,"[/colour] she hummed to herself with a smile. While the bird roasted, she seized the opportunity to investigate the others who had joined them. She started with Gus, the one who had been giving Faline bedroom eyes non-stop. [colour=red]"So, pretty boy,"[/colour] she moved up toward him, getting into his face with a huge smile. [colour=red]"We're trying to find a cure for the Duskrot pandemic. Your old man is working for the Emperor to help with the problem. He wants you to help him out by working with us to raid some old Dragonian tombs looking for a pretty necklace."[/colour] She plucked the coin out of Gus’s hand. [colour=red]"And this thing gains you entry into the… secret Emperor club led by Faline over there,"[/colour] she jabbed her thumb backward, pointing toward Faline. Flicking the coin up with her thumb, she leaned in, whispering with a nudge to his side, [colour=red]"She has been very tense with the whole ordeal."[/colour] She left him with those parting words, allowing him to collect the coin. Next on her agenda was the naked wizard, but he seemed occupied behind the bushes. She turned her attention to the other newcomer who approached on his grey horse. Facing him, she eyed him and his steed, giving a wave. [colour=red]"No siree, it seemed they had a score to take us out, or at least the pretty one with the red hair at the back. Don’t let her coy looks deceive you; she is as strong as they come."[/colour] Glancing around as the others disposed of corpses, she pondered if she did the right thing by simply disabling them instead of killing.[colour=red] "But you can take the credit and help yourself to any bounty. As the saying goes, we were never here."[/colour] She tapped a finger against her nose knowingly. [colour=red]"But you can join us for some roast pheasant if you have the time."[/colour] Torsten, hard at work, received a visit from Amandine. [colour=red]"Don’t forget to enjoy some pheasant when you're ready. I've saved a leg for you. Perhaps say hello to these new people."[/colour] [hr][hr]