[center][h3][color=00aeef]Henri[/color] [/h3][/center] [color=00aeef]Mirage Space[/color] Out of the frying pan and into the fire, much more literally than Henri would have preferred. Huo Ren had turned Christina's Mirage Space against them, rapidly turning the area into a giant pressure cooker. They would need to get out of there. But simply deactivating Mirage Space might ruin whatever plans Christina and Ernesto might still have. Of course, leaving Mirage Space as it is was also dangerous. Henri was already feeling dizzy from the heat, and the sweating was getting excessive. That meant heat cramps were advancing. And the other two were already in danger, being in close proximity to this solar spearman. No, no more pondering. Henri needed to act before they all died there. Luckily Huo Ren seemed distracted by Ernesto and Christina. There was the opportunity. Henri took his rifle and moved as much behind Huo Ren as he could. Hopefully the Arms-Master was susceptible to bullets. However, should plans fail further, or Henri feel like throwing up, he'd try to use [i]Fighting in Shade[/i]. It might be for the best to shut down Mirage Space anyway at that point.