[center][b][h2]Hell in Heaven - Turn 4[/h2][/b][/center] Turn 4 has started, please check [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16-9knKuj2C0QM2rsdK-tOwqtWDtiXg4hEGJbc9Pzcig/edit?usp=sharing]the MP Spreadsheet[/url] for your updated MP counts. Please let me know if any number is off and I'll fix it when I can. The Transcendental Quest is still ongoing, and its state is as follows: The entryway the Outer beasts were using to enter the material realm has been sealed thanks to the sacrifices of Voi and Lareus, but the two Greater Outer Beasts as well as the Lesser Beast hordes remain, as do the many settlements that have begun to be created around the Blood Ocean. The Dream Realm has been taken over by The Eidolon as part of their deal with the Outer God called the Presence, an action which has indirectly saved the lives of many dreamers who would’ve had their dreams invaded by outer entities otherwise. The Astral Realm is under siege by hordes of Outer Entities, with Luminaries giving their all to hold wave after wave of invaders back. With the entryway to the material realm gone, the finish line is in sight. Glory be to the heroic gods of Galbar! First cohort to actually earn their station!