[quote=@Etcetera] *In a puff of smoke as that me fizzles out, stands a distance away in his place* PaMDA, activate counterattack protocol: The Legend. *From the spot I stand springs countless duplicates of myself, each taking a different approach to cut you down with various paths and techniques, and whichever one ends up in a position to inflict the most damage becomes real, and from its position countless new clones take its place, barraging you with maximum-effectiveness attacks* [/quote] *each blade clashes with shards of amaranthine that form in the space around me, shielding me from most of the attacks, despite some leaking through, causing slight cuts to form in my skin* How long do you plan on keeping your charade up, dynamo? You coward. *the shards shoot out like a shranpel bomb into all nearby clones of you*