"Two ministerial," Lola answered. "One with the same injuries as you, I might add. Makes me wonder if the both of you were up to the same thing..." She took the clothe away, and rewet it, wringing it out. "As for your second question," she said. "A group of knights brought you here unconscious from blood-loss. They claimed they were going to find them men who attacked you, but I wouldn't hold your breath. I know those kind of lies when I see them.:" She let the cooling cloth sit against his skin, and put a clay cup by his head. "When you feel up to it, drink that," she said. "It'll taste like dirt and sour beer, but it will make you stronger, I promise." That done, the lady had to turn back to her other charge. Much to her chagrin, the girl was up, and shakily intending to get to her feet. "Madame," the healer said, voice stern. "Lay back down." "No." Miranda was adamant, even if her head was spinning. "I have no means to pay you, Lola. I'm leaving." "I already did!" Hilde said, putting her hands on her shoulders. "Miranda, please." "You what?" Miranda turned back, eyes wide. "But what are you going to eat tonight? We worked hard for those coins..." "You're more important," Hilde soothed. "Please, rest."