"Urk," Awakening to insects trying to burrow inside her skin was gross. Hopping out of her temporary shelter, Shun made a huge effort to ensure none of the insects were on her body, or worse inside her cavities. Once she groomed herself from any pests, Shun took in a deep breath. The only thing she heard though was the growl of her stomach. "I should find something to eat," Shun mumbled to herself. Taking a swig of water from her bottle, she took in the air once more. For once, she felt refreshed. All the troubles had cleared itself from the moment her eyes opened and now she was free to do whatever she wanted. For now, she needed to take care of her needs. If she conserved her water bottle correctly, she'd be able to last through the day before finding another place to refill it. For now hunting was Shun's concern. Now that she was all by herself, the middle school girl would need to each individual task by herself. From cooking, to cleaning time to time, to refilling her bottle, she was now entirely responsible for herself. With that said, Shun went out to hunt or forage. She'd at least recognize some of the native berries since she consume some before. Though nothing can be safer than a good cooked chunk of meat. Afterwards, she'd plan to explore the world. If she found a place where the earth stood above the trees, that'd be good.