[center][h2][color=00aeef]Hikari Kana[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Hikari payed little attention to the others in the area as they began to fill in. Absentmindedly she noticed that some of the people there had been on television before, but she didn't think past that. As far as she was concerned, the music that was playing in her head was more important. When one of the other people nearby questioned her appearance and that she was carrying travel bags to the meeting, she simply shrugged and gave a lie about being from a far away place and not trusting the hotel to keep her things safe. That seemed to be enough for them to leave her alone. Unbeknownst to her, Akane was paying much more attention to the area, though she seemed almost as unimpressed as Hikari. As the human girl stood against a tree, Akane was already laying in the branches, watching the other humans. Despite not knowing that she was there, Hikari assumed that if she was, she'd probably be paying enough attention to the others for both of them. Hikari didn't recognize the leader of the group when he went up to speak in front of everyone, but she had the thought that she might have seen him before. The strangest thing was that shortly after those seated began chanting, the statue in front of them began to glow. Hikari couldn't help herself, she pulled her eyes away from it before it got too bright and looked around to see if anyone else was reacting to it. It seemed that everyone else was entranced by the light, to the point that they seemed unaware of anything else around them. [color=92278f][i]Tsk. Stupid humans...[/i][/color] Akane thought. She looked down to her so-called "partner," and smiled when she noticed that Hikari wasn't focused on the light. [color=92278f][i]Not bad.[/i][/color] As her gaze returned to the other humans, so too did Hikari's. They both saw when a certain blonde girl shook herself out of the trance that the others were in, and both glanced towards the source of the "Jack Frost" shout to see a man wearing all black being held back by some of the cult members. While Hikari stood still and watched, Akane smirked once again. [color=92278f][i]Finally. Time for some action.[/i][/color] Akane gave a lazy look at the snowman who appeared next to the man in black, and Hikari mentally stopped her music to focus slightly more on what was happening. It looked like she wasn't the only one with a demon partner, nor the only one with the mark on their hand, which she noticed when the man attacked the cultists between him and their leader. As the two other demons appeared, she looked towards Satoshi to search for a mark on his hand, but found none. "LHAM DEARG!" came from the blonde girl. Another person like the man and Hikari? Was saying the name of a demon what summoned them? As Hikari wondered on that, she saw the other girl being attacked by a cultist only for her to swiftly defeat him. It would probably be smartest to leave this to those two, and she would have left it at that if it weren't for the blue... angel? The strange winged creature with a glowing heart in its stomach seemed to notice that Hikari wasn't in a trance, and that appeared to be unacceptable to it. The blue angel spread its wings and from between them countless small needles flew towards Hikari. She was lucky, very lucky, to get out of the way of all but one. That needle was stuck in her lower leg, still sticking out, blood flowing from the wound. The Virtue paused to prepare another attack. As Hikari clutched her injured leg with both hands, she shouted out. [color=00aeef]"Hei Long!"[/color] Akane leaped from the treetop as she appeared, managing to take the Virtue by surprise. [Crush Claw] connected with its right wing as she fell from her jump, her other arm gripping the angel by its left leg. With the angel distracted, Hikari began to pull the needle out of her leg. Or at least she tried to, to no avail. In her desperation she pulled her knife from her pocket and dug it slightly into her own leg, barely managing to dig the needle out, causing much more blood to flow from the wound. Akane didn't even spare a glance at her partner, too deep in blood-lust to care that the human girl screamed out from the pain.