PREEEEEEEEEEESENTING THE GREENWOOOD COVEN[quote][hider=The Four Maidens][table][row][cell][h2][b]Ruby[color=2e2c2c].[/color]White[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]30 | Ruby Kierra White | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Eating ass and saving grass."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]The fearless leader of the Greenwood Coven, Ruby is a compassionate, kind, and nurturing woman, deeply committed to protecting the forests and seas of St. Portwell. Still, she is known to be [i]incredibly[/i] stubborn, with a holier-than-thou attitude, and impulsive - with a borderline [i]Messiah Complex.[/i] Ruby is a native of St. Portwell to a single mother who discovered a magical grove during a game of hide-and-seek with friends. When she stepped into this place, she felt a connection to nature like no other, and it filled her with wonder - as it was the most beautiful place she had seen. Little to her, the Grove was a magical, semi-sentient location that only let in those it deemed [i]worthy[/i]. The place became Ruby's sanctuary, and she retreated to receive that same wonder well into her adult years. However, after the battle with the Stygian Snake, more Apparitions flooded into St. Portwell, and one entered the Grove. Ruby entered the Grove one day and found it all [i]burning[/i]. The very thing she loved as a child in flames caused Ruby to fall to her knees and scream, causing her Kindling-Event. Her ancestors gave her spells that she [i]tried[/i] to use to them to save the Grove, but it was beyond saving: it was gone. After this, Ruby learned about [i]what[/i] was happening to St. Portwell: in the chaos of new factions and Paranormal-beings flooding into St. Portwell, they were destroying the natural beauty of the place she loved. Ruby was unhappy with this and dedicated herself to training, learning countless spells. She waged a one-woman war against these factions... eventually roping her three best friends into it, forming the Greenwood Coven. With Greenwood, Ruby has had many adventures as she defeated Apparitions, witches and warlocks, and other monsters threatening nature. Ruby is an average-height woman who stands at five-five and has a skinny, somewhat athletic build. Ruby is half-black and half-white but identifies as African-American and has dyed red dreadlocks, the most notable features in her eyes. However, she has a nasty burn scar on her right arm from a battle with Emily G. Reed (who she fucking [i]hates[/i]). She likens herself to a modern-day superhero as, when the time calls, she dons her [i]Spring Maiden [/i]alter-ego and wages war against the other factions. While the Spring Maiden, she walks around with a [i]giant[/i] tree branch, which acts as her channeler. Her longtime girlfriend is Amelia Dallon, the Fall Maiden.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red & Pink.[/i] Channeler: A branch from a piece of the Grove that was not destroyed. [indent][b]Spring-Beams:[/b] Ruby's primary spell and offensive weapon, she can generate concussive beams from her channeler. These beams were a dull-yellow color, and she could control the force they hit with (They can range from a punch to knocking a car over). These beams had a secondary effect of generating plant life (roots, grass, foliage, etc.) wherever they hit, and she can control what gets generated to a degree. She can use it to create plant structures to suit whatever needs. [b]Plant-Communication:[/b] Ruby could "communicate" with plants and receive a brief Recollection of someone who has recently passed by. She can use this to track anyone, anywhere, in her forests. [b]Growth-Acceleration:[/b] With a wave of her "wand," she can cause flowers to bloom, trees to flourish, and fields to become fertile - even in places where they would not logically grow. She can induce explosive plant growth in her vicinity, and this spell is the strongest during the spring equinox. [b]Forest Shield:[/b] Ruby can quickly erect a massive barrier out of the ground of vines, thorns, and woods that can be pretty difficult to penetrate. [b]Verdant Platforms:[/b] Ruby can create a platform made out of plants in the environment at will and use them to get as high as she pleases. She can create several at once that are either above or lower than her but remain present until they either wither away or get destroyed. [b]Aeromancy:[/b] Ruby can control and manipulate the air element with a wave of her wand. She can conjure powerful gusts of wind, create air currents, and even summon a tornado to ravage foes. Ruby has learned that she can achieve a pseudo-form of flight by laughing herself around with winds. [b]Emotion-Sensing:[/b] Ruby could, by blinking her eyes, see the auras of people around her and discern their emotional state from their color. Ruby also can foster an emotional bond between a group of people and allow them to see each other’s emotions. [b]Positive-Emotion Amplification:[/b] Ruby can cause positive emotions in others (bypassing Emotional-Fields) even in the darkest hours. She can induce joy, hope, and happiness in her targets, but her fellow Coven members don't like their emotions manipulated, so she [i]rarely[/i] uses this Spell. [b]Emotional-Repulsion:[/b] Ruby can focus on her targets, bypassing any Emotional-Fields, and induce emotions such as fear, discomfort, and uncertainty to ward them away.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Jessica[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Rosefey[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]32 | Jessica Sharon Rosefey Jr. | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Time to party!"[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Known as SunnyMuscleMommy on Instagram, but in the Greenwood Coven, Jessica is known as the Summer Maiden. Jessica is a longtime friend of Ruby's who is very passionate about her fitness journey and has become a bodybuilder. Due to her great genetics, she is incredibly muscular with well-built arms, back, abs, and legs and has made her own Instagram page which has thousands of followers ([s]who are all horny for her[/s]). She's a little taller than average at five-eight. Jessica is a very positive and sunny individual who is always talking, being the life of the party, and cracking jokes. She claims she's a people person and great at making friends with people. She is very kind and moral, can't stand seeing people getting hurt, and tries to put others first (when realistic). However, she can't mentally handle insults or criticism and just [i]has[/i] to be showered with compliments. She loves animals and the forest and used to take hikes all the time before the Stygian Snake, which has rendered the forests far too dangerous to trek alone in. Jessica experienced her Kindling-Event after her hormones got the best of her. She was eventually roped into her best friend Ruby's little Greenwood Coven, and she served as a vital member as Jessica acts as the Greenwood Coven's artillery. She usually has a pseudo-cowboy style because she always wears a [url=]leather cowboy hat[/url] (which belonged to her grandfather) except when at the gym. Her fellow Maidens had to talk her out of trying to incorporate it into her [i]Summer Maiden[/i] disguise.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red & Green.[/i] Channeler: Her Granddaddy's Cowboy Hat. [indent][b]Sun-Beam:[/b] Jessica is capable of summoning a powerful ray of sunlight, which will either incinerate her target or pound it with kinetic force. Charging the attack takes a few moments, and the area gets hotter before it strikes. This Spell can burn any target unfortunate enough to be in its range or hit them with a crushing force from the sky. This makes Jessica one of the Greenwood Coven's heavy hitters as she's functionally artillery, but the only caveat is that it can only be used during the day. [b]Healing-Light:[/b] Jessica can also heal people by calling down healing beams of light. She can't heal people that fast, but she can recover them from a distance [i]and[/i] heal several at a time. She can also heal herself! However, it is yet [i]another[/i] Spell that can only be used during the day (Doh!). [b]Sun-Strength:[/b] Jessica can call an extraordinary ray of light onto herself, temporarily giving her super strength and durability - allowing her muscles to exert much more than they should. This wears off gradually after a few minutes and, you guessed it, can only be used during the day. [b]Summer-Warmth:[/b] Jess can quickly raises the temperature of the environment, weather be damned, to the hottest summer days. Jessica can wither down enemies with his Spell, but this does not differentiate friend from foe. [b]Magmamancy:[/b] After her fellow sisters complained about how useless she was during the night, Jessica developed a valuable spell in a fight. By focusing, Jessica can heat solid stone and transform it into either magma rocks or molten magma. After creating the magma, she can telekinetically manipulate it in a five-meter range, but this Spell has a high energy cost.[/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Amelia[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Dallon[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]29 | Amelia Taylor Dallon | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"I don't care about what I have to do; I won't let them hurt her."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Ruby's girlfriend and the Fall Maiden. Amelia was born in Texas as an Orphan but was eventually adopted by a family in St. Portwell. Despite being one of the lucky ones to get adopted by a family, she never felt like she was one of them and always felt like an outsider wherever she went. She was a very lonely youth who found it hard to connect to people, regardless of how hard she tried - so she just figured that's what she was and gave up. She loved nature and went on hikes, bike rides, etc, until one day, Amelia was attacked by an Abominable that was a leftover from the Stygian Snake's rampage (to which she was mainly oblivious). It activated her Kindling-Event and helped her discover her Adept heritage - and she was saved by Ruby Weiss, whom she became friends with. It became a crush as Amelia tried to work over her issues with socialization (and saw the best in Ruby despite her stubbornness and flagrant messiah complex). Eventually, she confessed, and the two went steady, becoming longtime lovers; Amelia declared she would remain by her side no matter what. Thus, when Ruby said she would form the Greenwood Coven to protect nature, Amelia was her first member and most vocal supporter. Amelia is very reserved and laidback; you'd be hard-pressed to see her getting worked up. She's calm and analytical to Ruby's more firey and passionate disposition, but she's an entirely different person in private. Amelia is very socially awkward and is not good at reading people or being mindful of their emotions. Because of this, Amelia remains silent most of the time and lets Ruby, Pearl, or Jess do the talking. It's unknown to her, but Amelia ultimately depends on Ruby in the most unhealthy ways! Amelia is a very skinny woman (but with a fat butt) of ambiguous racial identity... she at the very least knows that she's part Spanish. When the time comes, expect Amelia to wear orange as the [i]Fall Maiden[/i].[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red & Purple.[/i] Channeler: Her trusty combat knife. [indent][b]Foliage Manipulation:[/b] Amelia can telekinetically manipulate foliage in a wide radius and do whatever she wants it to do. She can control thousands of pieces of foliage at a time, and not just that, and she can sharpen each of them into a razor-sharp weapon. She can shred foes to bits in her foliage storm, as she may be the most brutal out of the entire Greenwood Coven. She can also create barriers and constructs out of leaves and other foliage. [b]Foliage-Generation:[/b] ... Is what Amelia calls the Spell, but it's a subtle combination of her Purple & Red Lux that allows her to pull leaves from other dimensions. [b]Aeromancy:[/b] Taught to her by Ruby, Amelia can manipulate air, not as well as her girlfriend. She can send out crushing winds, create twisters, and has developed a form of flight assisted by her purple lux. [b]Flight:[/b] Assisted by rushing winds, Amelia can achieve flight. She can dart through the air at lightning speeds using a combination of red and purple Lux; wherever she flies, powerful winds follow. [b]Teleportation:[/b] As a manifestation of her Purple-Lux, Amelia can teleport herself, or a group of people, to any place within a hundred-meter radius. Amelia is accompanied by a strong gust of wind that carries leaves whenever she teleports. This Spell is vital to the Greenwood Coven's hit-and-run strategies, and Amelia is easily the most important member. However, she can only teleport once every twenty minutes.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Pearl[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Cho[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]28 | Pearl Cho | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"Remember, in the darkest moments, there is always a hidden strength waiting to awaken."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]A second-generation Korean Immigrant whose parents own a Korean Restaurant in Downtown St. Portwell. Pearl's family immigrated to the city from South Korea when she was just a child, and she grew up balancing her cultural heritage with the fast-paced urban lifestyle that St. Portwell offered. As a child, Pearl functionally grew up in her parent's restaurant as she always did some work there (whether or not it obeyed child labor laws!). This was where she met Ruby and became a part of her little friend group since high school, bringing a sense of balance to the coven with her calm and composed demeanor. Her quiet confidence, sense of duty, and swan-like grace are matched by her inner strength and unwavering loyalty to her friends and their cause. She's a thoughtful and empathetic soul who, unlike the other members of the Greenwood Coven, has no particular love of outdoor activities or nature. However, she understands the balance of St. Portwell and knows that letting nature get out of whack would not end well for her or future generations. So she believes it's her sworn duty to help the Greenwood Coven protect nature and puts her life on the life battling the other factions (she punched Emily G.Reed in the cunt once, though). Pearl is a Korean girl who is a little bit chubby and has a head of messy black hair - she stands at five-two. As the[i] Winter Maiden[/i], she dresses in all blue except for her black boots.[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Red & Black.[/i] Channeler: Snowflake pendant. [indent][b]Cyromancy:[/b] Pearl has a strong connection to winter. She can harness winter's icy, cold energies to manipulate temperature, create constructs out of ice, telekinetically manipulate ice, summon gusts of icy wind, and freeze objects or even bodies of water with touch. Her Spells are most potent during the winter solstice. [b]Spirit-Communication:[/b] Pearl possesses the remarkable Spell to summon the spirits of the deceased and communicate with them. She can connect with these ethereal entities, engage in conversations, and gain information from them. At will, she can dispel them back where they came. [b]Temporary Raising of the Dead:[/b] Pearl can temporarily summon the dead for one specific task. She can reanimate deceased individuals to serve as helpful and loyal assistants and temporarily access their skills, memories, and abstractions if they are Adept. They will fulfill this one task, and once it is complete (they're destroyed), they will return to the other side. [b]Warding:[/b] Pearl can create a barrier that Apparitions cannot bypass, which will remain until Pearl drops it or the Apparition destroys it. If someone is Adjoined or Abscised, they cannot enter. Agents are not affected.[/indent] [/cell][/row]The four best friends of Ruby White, the Spring Maiden, each has a different seasonal theme. They comprise the original four members of the Greenwood Coven's leadership.[/table][/hider][hider=Other members][table][row][cell][h2][b]James[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Carmicheal[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]21 | James Jordan Carmicheal | He/Him[/b][hr][i]"Hey now, protecting nature is protecting [b]us![/b]"[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]An oddity in the Greenwood Coven as James is the sole male member of the organization, and his girlfriend is fellow member Noami Rodgers (who roped him in). James is African-American, stands tall at six-five, and [i]very[/i] athletic. However, he's not from St. Portwell but is a native of Atlanta, Georgia; he ended up at St. Portwell University on a football scholarship. James used to be the star player of his football team back in Atlanta, and he was so good that St. Portwell University gave him a scholarship. He is reaching for his chance to join the NFL by taking the scholarship to the [i]last[/i] place he wanted to go. However, at St. Portwell University, he met his girlfriend Naomi Rodgers, who roped him into Greenwood. James isn't exactly the most nature-loving member of Greenwood, but he has always had a passion for outdoor activities like jogging, biking, and exploring the woods. He's a good soul but very cocky and impulsive, [i]especially[/i] once he gained Shango's Axe. James joined just before Greenwood campaigned against Das Sonnenrad and was instrumental in the fight - he killed Kaiser Draeger. He currently holds the alias of [i]Knight Sky[/i].[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Agent - [i]Shango's Axe.[/i] [indent] [url=]Shango's Axe[/url] is a legendary artifact with a history that traces back to the heart of Africa, where it was once wielded by the powerful Yoruba deity, Shango, known for controlling fire and lightning. The Greenwood Coven learned that the Axe was being stored in a member of the Elite named Jason Valos' mansion, and they [i]"borrowed"[/i] it from him and gave it to James. Shango's axe is a powerful weapon that grants James [i]immense[/i] elemental abilities and raw destructive power but lacks the fine control of other Paranormal-Beings. He can summon lightning bolts from the sky, the axe, or his fingertips - even surround himself, fully or partially, with lightning. James can also generate fire from his body and the axe and easily create fireworks and other displays. The Axe also allows James to fly at high speeds and easily outmaneuver the slow. The Axe is also supernaturally durable and near-impossible to chip even with the strongest Abstractions - making it viable as a weapon and a shield. With these abilities, James is easily the most powerful member of the Greenwood Coven.[/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Naomi[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Rodgers[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]23 | Naomi Mercedes Rodgers | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"At the end of the day, you can’t help those who don’t want help."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Native of Philadelphia, Noami sees herself as being a country city girl as she rarely, if ever, spent a summer in Philadelphia. When school was out, she stayed with her extended family that lived in Kingstree, South Carolina, a [b][i]very[/i][/b] rural town. She has fond memories of playing in the woods with her cousins, which she claims changed her life. Noami was a very open-minded woman who always tried to learn more about the people in the world than what she was used to. She is well-versed in African folklore and culture, which made her reach out and learn about other cultures. Noami always saw herself as a leader and wanted to improve things for the people around her, so Noami always takes a leadership position if possible and puts her mind towards fixing the problems within that organization. Noami is compassionate above all else and always looks at the bigger picture, but sometimes loses herself to her pride and ego. After Noami graduated high school - she got a scholarship to St. Portwell University to major in Social Studies, and this was where Noami met Pearl Cho... and eventually was roped into the Greenwood Coven. She joined them not out of any tree-hugging desire but out of a faint nostalgia due to her childhood playing in the woods in South Carolina and wants to ensure that [i]other[/i] children get the experiences she has. Noami has started an African-themed clothing brand known as Heritage (in which she handmakes everything). Naomi is a skinny (with curves back there) African-American girl who stands at five-three. Her Greenwood alias is the [i]Silk Knight[/i].[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adjoined - [i]Anansi’s Gift.[/i] [indent]Due to her wisdom, virtue, and leadership, Noami is favored by the Apparition Anansi and thus has gained his abilities. Anansi was a being of Trickery and Stories, not raw strength; his abilities make Naomi a unique asset in Greenwood. The primary ability of Anansi's gift is that she can weave ethereal, glowing-white threads in the environment comprised of magical energy itself. She can create these webs out of her body or in a twenty-three-meter radius around herself, and they have a unique property among abstractions: they are functionally an Emotional-Field. These webs are [i]highly[/i] resistant to the abstractions of Paranormal beings (and interfere with them), and they will find themselves getting caught far easier than the mundane. On the flip side, they are easily cleaved apart by mundane means. Otherwise, they behave like regular webs, and she can climb on them without getting stuck, swing around Spider-Man style, etc. Anansi's Gift comes with unparalleled agility, akin to a spider's. Naomi possesses the grace and skill to maneuver in supernatural ways, allowing her to flip, jump higher, and run faster. This Abstraction also comes with the ability to climb on walls, and Naomi can climb on [i]anything[/i] solid. However, the crowning jewel of Anansi's Gift is the ability to instantly metamorphose into a [url=]minuscule spider[/url], reminiscent of the deity Anansi themselves. In this form, Naomi is the most vulnerable, but it makes her so small that she blends into her environment, and it can help her escape, spy on people and scout, and even dodge attacks. She can still weave her webs on a far smaller scale, and she is immune to [i]all[/i] forms of Paranormal detection while in this form. The only issue is that she ends up naked! [/indent] [/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Autumn[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Hayes[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]26 | Autumn Melody Hayes | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"I will turn my family's dark legacy around to be a force for good."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]A quiet enigma, Autumn Hayes is as much of a shut-in a person could get. She grew up homeschooled, had few friends, and would instead remain inside and browse the internet. This was a part of her parent's design who wanted their little girl to be safe from harm and the world's evils... especially the supernatural side of the family, which they were [i]very[/i] much aware of. However, one day, they disappeared into thin air, and her Aunt, Bernetta Hayes, adopted Autumn, but Autumn still desperately searched for her parents. Aunt Bernetta tried to make Autumn go out and make friends instead of being glued to her computer all day... which didn't go well. However, she had a fleeting suspicion that Aunt Bernetta knew [i]something[/i], and after much probing, Aunt Bernetta told her the truth: her bloodline was cursed. Autumn's grandmother came from an alternate universe ruled by an Adept theocracy that worshipped magic known as The League. They oppressed the mundane, and Aberrations and her ancestors were a line of magical serial killers who hunted down these Adepts, killing them and storing their souls in their amulet... the very amulet that Autumn had around her neck since she was a tween. One of their victims, a Blue-Lux user, cursed their bloodline, which would cause them to wither into nothing ten years after having a child... which was what happened to her parents. Her grandmother brought her children to this dimension, hoping to break the curse, but it persisted and took her life. The first vow that Autumn made was that she would [i]never[/i] have children until she found a way to break the curse. Her second vow was to turn around her family's dark legacy and use the amulet that was the terror of this universe to be a force for good. Autumn didn't know where to start; she confided in her one friend, Amelia Dallon, who got her to join the Greenwood Coven. Autumn is not dedicated to nature, but she wants to make [i]some[/i] kind of positive impact in the world, and the Greenwood Coven was the key - and she got to fight Nazis. Autumn is a very mousy woman who's a little chunky from her sedentary lifestyle, and she would appear chubbier if it weren't for the fact that she's five-ten. She's known for her curly head of brown hair and her glasses. While committing Greenwood activities, she is known as the [i]Specter Knight[/i].[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Agent - [i]The Adept Hunter's Amulet[/i] [indent]In a separate universe known as Glint, there was a theocracy that oppressed the masses known as The League. One of Autumn's ancestors had such an [i]intense[/i] hatred of the League and their Adepts that, once they died, they returned as an Apparition with the single purpose of killing as many Adepts as possible. This Apparition was sealed into [url=]an Amulet[/url] by these Adepts... but it was stolen by this person's descendants and used as a powerful tool for, you guessed it, killing Adepts - It was passed down to Autumn. The passive ability of this Abstraction allows Autumn to see the auras of [i]any[/i] Adept in a fifty-meter radius through objects - but if she is actively hunting for them, this range can extend up to a hundred-and-fifty meters. Through their auras, Autumn can discern the color of their Lux from the color of their aura. However, if an Adept has recently died, their Aura will appear wavy, directing her to them like a beacon. If she gets to this Adept before it's too late, she can claim their soul and create an Apparition that will be stored in the Amulet. These Apparitions will be of the Adepts and have their [i]exact[/i] spell catalog they had when they died (they will be immutable otherwise). She can telepathically control these Apparitions and use their spells as her own. Autumn can claim a limitless amount of Adepts, but she can only manifest one at a time to control. The point of this Amulet is for Autumn to go out and kill as many Adepts as possible so she can become the most powerful, but she resists that destiny and cleaves her own. She's [i]very[/i] careful whom she claims and tries to claim the souls of bastards like Das Sonnenrad. Autumn has claimed the following Adepts: [indent][indent][url=][b]Geneva Bernard:[/b][/url] Or[i] "Sabrina the Teenaged Bitch,"[/i] as the rest of Greenwood called her. She was a young member of Das Sonnenrad and a [i]persistent[/i] nail in their side until Pearl killed her. Autumn was there to claim her soul, and she has become her offensive Apparition. She was a Purple-Lux user with the spells to teleport to a random location (which she used to dodge attacks) and fly. She could also telekinetically manipulate two objects that weren't nailed down via hand motions. [url=][b]Al Slaughter[/b][/url] Kaiser Draeger's right-hand-man... or so he thought. He was just around because he was an Orange-Lux user and boosted Kaiser Draeger's abstraction. Unfortunately, he slipped up and met his end with Emily G. Reed's hand, and his soul was claimed by Autumn afterward. He had one spell and a simple one: he could boost the Abstractions of others at the cost of deteriorating his health. He did this by firing orange beams out of his hands, and the effects persisted until they abruptly faded away.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/cell][/row][row][cell][h2][b]Kashmira[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Sarai[/b][/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center][img][/img] [b]18 | Kashmira Sarai | She/Her[/b][hr][i]"I have seen things that are proof that Shiva is a blesser."[/i][/center][/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]Often called [i]Kash[/i], [i]Mira[/i], or amusingly to her, [i]Doctor Sarai.[/i] The cheerful Kasmira Sarai, a native of Ahmedabad, India, moved to America as a little girl. It was quite a culture shock, but Kashmira considers her Indian roots highly important; she is a [i]devout[/i] follower of Shaivism (A form of Hinduism) and still celebrates the holidays she grew up on. Kashmira, alongside her twin sister Rashmika, was raised to be a kind and compassionate person who seeks to make the world a better place as Dharma dictates. She is very personable and somewhat eccentric, held back by her idealism, stubbornness, and closemindedness. Kashmira is a short woman at four-ten but is slim and curvy due to her diet and the fact she exercises plenty. Kashmira comes from a very long line of Green Adepts who, in the present day, are self-divided by their sect of Hinduism - believing themselves to be [i]blessed[/i] by their deity of choice. The family has a [i]lot[/i] of Paranormal enemies in India [i]and[/i] the greater Asian continent. One night, this came to a head when an Apparition attacked Kashmira Sarai and her twin sister, seeking revenge for an unfulfilled pact her grandmother, Hanumanta Patel, made, causing both of them to undergo their Kindling Event and unlock Green Lux. Kashmira's mother saved them, but her family chose to leave India as the number of enemies their ancestors made was [i]far[/i] too high. The Sarai family settled in St. Portwell, where Kashmira secretly trained with her Green Lux, discovering that her Affinity was towards healing wounds and augmenting their biology. She initially had problems progressing through American school, but she hit her stride and became a grade-A student through sheer dedication alone. She didn't fit in with Americans but found common ground with other Indians and is a sight in Indian restaurants. Kashmira is in her last year of high school and aims to become a doctor. Kashmira, through a friendship with Pearl, is the newest member of the Greenwood Coven, and she joined them because of her desire to maintain the balance in the world and protect life. Given that she joined only a few weeks ago, she holds the title of[i] Green Shaman[/i].[/indent] [b]Abstraction:[/B] Adept - [i]Green Lux.[/i] Channeler: Grandmother's Jewel Necklace. [indent][b]Healing:[/b] Kashmira has that healing touch - she has an excellent healing Spell through training and lessons from her ancestors. She can save someone from the brink of death and have them ready to go in mere minutes. She can heal up to two people simultaneously, one for each hand. [b]Healing-Field:[/b] A less potent and more dangerous version of her healing ability applied to a field that can be up to [i]thirty meters.[/i] Inside this field, denoted by a green aura, [i]everyone[/i] gets their injuries healed at a far slower rate than her primary healing ability. She rarely uses this except in the safest situations. [b]Dermal-Boost:[/b] While in contact, Kashmira can increase the durability of someone's skin and bones to the point where they can shrug off most small arms. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop the [i]impact;[/i] they still feel pain. [b]Dove-Wings:[/b] Kashmira can create massive white-feathered dove wings out of her back and use them to fly around.[/indent][/cell][/row]Other members of the Greenwood Coven who have joined for their own reasons.[/table][/hider][/quote]