The SS Lugia had been navigating the open seas for 32 hours. The previous night's opening ceremony, an awe-inspiring holographic showcase made its mark in history as the most viewed spectacle of all time. Featuring the majestic Ho-oh soaring overhead, scattering its radiant feathers like digital embers while Lugia’s melodic cry harmonized with the gentle lapping of waves against the ship’s hull. Those who had seen it in person marveled at the cutting edge technology. The second day was coming to an end. The first round of the Pokemon World Contest had concluded and attendees were making their way to the ship’s amenities. The atmosphere buzzed inside The Lucky Catch at its peak capacity. A Machamp, impeccably dressed and sporting a distinguished mustache, skillfully balanced numerous plates on his four arms as he elegantly served patrons at their tables. His human colleagues scurried around, flustered by how busy they were. Affluent diners indulged in culinary treasures from the ocean's depths. The Lucky Catch held a reputation as a globally renowned seafood haven. Seated at tables crafted from Ilex Forest oak imported from Johto and surrounded by pillars sourced from Kalos' Reflective Cave, The Lucky Catch maintained its exquisite allure even aboard the SS Lugia. [colour=pink]Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sugar gritted her teeth, radiating heat like a simmering pot on the brink of boiling over. The head chef, sensing her impending eruption, searched for a pan lid to use as a shield. In a culinary frenzy, Sugar flipped fish, stirred soup, and grated garnishes as if she herself were a furious four-armed Machamp. Her coworkers cautiously distanced themselves, observing her with trepidation. Suddenly, the entire ship resonated with the sound of strained metal under immense pressure. Utensils clattered, and cooks were shook off balance. Sugar, falling backward, watched in horror as half-prepared meals tumbled to the floor. Regaining her composure, she said, "well that sure didn't sound right..." On the restaurant floor, the mustached Machamp remained poised, not a single plate lost. The once lively chatter had now hushed and guests exchanged worried glances. Had the ship collided with something? What could cause a colossus like the SS Lugia to cry like that? A cracking noise reverberated through the walls, causing the guests to panic. Rising from their chairs, they sought to flee the restaurant. A shimmering pillar snapped, hurtling towards the floor. Machamp threw his plates in the air, leaping to catch the falling marble before it could harm anyone. Sugar burst through the kitchen door and was met with chaos. Customers pushed and jostled each other in a frantic bid to escape. Worry flashed in Sugar's eyes as she witnessed Machamp struggling against the descending pillar, “Garscon!” she cried, “someone help him!”[/colour] [colour=silver]Ace stood by the ship's railing, contemplating the tranquil expanse of the nighttime ocean. He was aware that the calm was only a fleeting moment, his role as security personnel aboard the SS Lugia suggested that not everything would unfold as planned. A mystery was certain to surface sooner or later. Hiding in plain sight, Kecleon, with only its red zigzag visible, clung to a tall lamp near its trainer. The stillness of the night was abruptly disrupted as the ship began to violently vibrate. A chilling gust of wind swept across the deck, causing Kecleon to shiver and tumble onto its trainer's back. Icy diamond patterns materialised on the floor, slowly spreading across the hull. A looming thumping sound captured Ace's attention, prompting him to say, “time for work, Kecleon."[/colour]