[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QH7HZFl.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231205/9e14798197f385f4ac500d0eab84bb81.png[/img][/center] Selena Diana Artemis, the reigning queen of the fashion world, in her own opinion anyway, sat at her reserved table. Her elegant evening gown sparkled under the lights of the chandeliers, and the tiara sitting on top of her head shined like a beacon of opulence. She basked in the attention, relishing every gaze directed her way. As she dined on the finest seafood money, she engaged in lively discussion with her entourage. Luna, her Clefable, sat next to her. It was a mostly one sided conversation. “I must say darlings, my performance was nothing short of spectacular!” She started stroking her Clefable’s head lovingly. “Between Luna’s graceful moves, and my stage presence, the audience couldn’t keep their eyes off of me. The other competitors didn’t stand a chance!” Her entourage nodded in agreement. Whether they actually agreed with what she was saying was irrelevant. They were being paid to cater to her needs.