As the Stormtroopers did her bidding, and as her false fiance and father fell into step, Kijani walked in the midst of this strange group as if she owned the palace and the planet under it. It was laughable, but there was no smile on her face. No joy in her heart. No triumph. Nothing. How many had died because of her actions? Alderaan - it's people, history, and future- was so much dust, because she had taken a public stand against the Empire. Her father, doomed to outlive his queen, his throne, and no doubt, his heir. Prince Eskel, drawn into the conflict by no wish of his own. Adam ... If Master Yoda wished for her to remove attachments, then so be it. She would save those who loved her most. Even if they hated her, even if they cursed her from the moment their eyes opened in the morning to the next time they fell asleep at night. If this was the crown's demand, then she would bear the weight. The Emperor's dark, frozen soul washed over her. She stared into the eyes of a creature who had slaughtered generations and galaxies... And felt nothing. "Emperor Palpatine. I have something you want. In exchange for the lives of all in Prince Eskel's kingdom, the lives of the rebel contingent under my command, my father Bail Organa, and Adam Skywalker. If you ensure me that you will allow them to live, unharmed and unimpeded, for the rest of their natural lives..." The uncanny gold of her eyes was dull, like a tarnished medal "Then I will pledge myself and my power to you."