In the silence that follows Matty's last spiel, the two women share a glance. Asil mouths [i]'stock prayers?'[/i] back at her. Isabelle gives a helpless shrug, before turning back to the enthusiastic Hybrasillian. "O-kay." Isabelle says, quickly trying to parse what could be their plan. The ask, at least, seems straightforward, but fifty-one stock prayers ... it was either something relating to corporate finance, or they were going to ask them to sign up to a new-age religion. Honestly, the latter was probably more believable. "If you're sure about the legal aspects, and that it will be safe for them ..." she continues, taking a breath as she weighs up the benefits of taking a chance here. The maths isn't hard. They hadn't steered her wrong yet after all. "... then I'll speak to Luca. He's the one most likely to listen to me given the twins always seem to be busy with some project or other. My advice though? Make it the day after tomorrow. I'm chairing a charity function for the New-Worlds, which means the media, and my mother, will most likely be focusing on me." Isabelle pauses. "... and please say thank you to Mirror for following through. I admit I thought she might have forgotten about it, given how the Tournament is going. She has a lot on her plate too, so I would have understood. But, still, it's ... nice to be remembered." She gives the mechanic a wave farewell before Asil and her head back to their quarters. After all ... two days from now is still plenty of time. -===- [i]48 hours later[/i] [i]"... return to ongoing coverage of the gala event which is funded by Akanis Mining, a subsidiary of Lozano enterprises ..."[/i]   The spaceport on Akar is bustling as normal, its slate grey buildings broken by occasional splashes of colour from news vids or shops advertising their wares. The weather has turned the same as its architecture, with a steady patter of rain muting out the sound of hammers striking iron. A cloaked figure strides through it all. His destination: a traditionally structured forge and smithy. It's clear that a sword hangs at his side, clenched in one hand, as the other pulls the cloak shut against the water falling from above. As he enters the shelter of that low-slanted roof, he pulls back the cowl, revealing a Terenian of striking features. Blue eyes beneath short-cut auburn hair, a strong jaw and smooth skin make up features that many within TC space would think of as handsome. To those beyond the borders though, including many Zaldarians and Hybrasillians, he is simply one face amongst a race of many. After all, for all that he's the eldest heir to one of the richest families in TC space, Luca Lozano does not spend his time in the limelight as much as his sister. No, unlike his sister, who is thrust into centre stage, he is far more likely to take a back seat to the goings on of politics or mecha combat. Which makes it all the more remarkable that he's here, out on a foreign planet. And what's more, he's not alone. Two more figures flank him, walking with the same purpose and destination. They lower their cowls at the same time, revealing a younger girl with long brown locks, and a boy with dyed blonde hair slicked back. Not one, but three Lozano siblings are here. Watching for the one they were supposed to meet.