[color=ed1c24][center][h2]Akeno[/h2][/center][/color] While Akeno failed in finding anything resembling a kitchen or a cook for the time being, she did manage to find a few Orcs within the camp that caught her eye for one reason or another and was able to overhear a few little snippets of conversation that seemed interesting. A woodcutter who needed more wood to satisfy the blacksmith, a blacksmith who needed more ore for his craft, someone carrying a towering pile of baskets full of what might have been food who looked like he could use some help, a shaman who may or may not need someone to gather stuff for her, or maybe just an extra pair of hands for her work, a hunter and tanner who had a bunch of carcasses to skin and some kind of bigwig that she was planning on staying as far away from as she could. A cave to the south that some Orcs had gone missing in; given that she had just run away from a dangerous cave she wasn’t too interesting in finding another. An aspiring farmer and a clogged up spring that needed clearing. Within that collection was more than enough opportunity for her to find some kind of job to do and hopefully start earning her way towards a place to sleep and some kind of stability in this place. Compared to all of that, the last thing she heard was almost not worth paying attention to; it sounded like idle gossip, or bullying. An Orc disparaging another for being too weak, in a tribe that made their children kill wild animals or die trying as a rite of passage. Given that she had just been musing about opening a dojo however, even just as a joke, hearing about an Orc who couldn’t fight seemed a little too serendipitous to ignore completely. Rather than follow any of the more obvious leads, Akeno found herself drifting over towards the Orc who was mocking the ‘weakling’ to see if she could find out more. Her other options would still be there when she was done with this; it wouldn’t hurt to follow her instincts or to indulge her curiosity for a while. [@Zeroth]