[@Tortoise] - I've reworked Siri from before. She's a retired apothecary (witch) now working as a Wanderer cleric. I don't recommend snitching a cookie without leaving a copper in the donation box after service. Boxing your ears would be the least of your worries. [hider=Granny Siri] [color=00ff66][b]Name: Siri[/b][/color] [color=00ff66][b]Race, Age, Time in the Caravan: [/b][/color] Human, 67, 5 years [color=00ff66][b]Appearance: [/b][/color] This woman puts you in mind of a mysterious raven. She has narrow, dark, disapproving eyes that are like an upright executioner's axe just before it falls. Her thick, straight, salt & pepper hair is worn in basic bun. She is very tall and has a wiry build. Her skin is like alabaster - to her shame, she has never managed to grow so much as a wart on her nose or a hairy mole on her chin. She has hollow cheeks. [color=00ff66][b]History: [/b][/color] A country farm girl who became an apothecary under the tutelage of Esmeralda Le Blank. She's spent fourty years as an apothecary before deciding to become yet another penitent soul joining the Pilgrim's Caravan - and a new profession, as a Wanderer cleric, companioned by her raven Zephyr and her black cat Spooky. Not that she seems to be all that penitent. Or priestly, wearing a black skirt instead of breeches, and giving anyone asking why the hairy eyeball. You get the impression if the Wanderer himself showed up, she'd do the same to him. But she does maintain the boxes and shelters set up by the previous Wanderer, and holds services on every rest day. However, if you want a cookie after the service, remember to leave a donation in the box. It'll help you sleep at night.... Nor does she walk the road like the other Wanderers. She'll hold up her cane, and tell you a wagon makes sense for an old woman to have (despite never seeing her so much as stumble) - but there's a lot of strangeness about her wagon. For a start, it's pulled by four jet-black horses with glowing red eyes, who look more carved than born. And in the front seat is a scarecrow with a painted face, but its eyes glow red, too. Sometimes, she gives the reins to the scarecrow while she goes to tend to something in the back - and it's a better driver than she is. The wagon is also carved like a stone fortress, with carved and painted eyes on the front, sides, and back (nobody seems to notice the one on top or below the dromedary box). Rumors in the caravan says late at night, the scarecrow climbs down for a stretch. Of course, they also say Zephyr can grow as big as a horse and Spooky is sometimes a panther. It doesn't stop there, of course. Some who've been inside claim the inside is bigger than the outside, with all sorts of rooms. But if you ask Siri, she gives you the hairy eyeball and demands to know what you've been drinkin' of late that you'd listen to such tom-fool stories like that? She's just an old country apothecary and it's just a plain old wagon needin' a lick of paint. And why would she want more to clean inside? But iffen you need any doctorin', medicen', birthin', marryin', dyin', or prayers, let her know. [color=00ff66][b]Personality: [/b][/color] Siri seems to have a vast knowledge of a lot of things and places, with an over-abundance of common sense and old-fashioned wisdom and personal opinions she's willing to impart as needed. Nor is she afraid to be blunt or to knock anyone down a peg, but will when necessary keep private matters private. The knockin' of heads (or parts lower), she remarks, is a free service she provides on an at-needed basis. But if you use your head first, you'd might not be needin' it. [color=00ff66][b]Motivation: [/b][/color] She's seeing the world and tending to her ever-changing flock, with the occasional late night visitor. [color=00ff66][b]Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools: [/b][/color] [hider=skills] [b]Animal handling[/b] - has a way with animals [b]Apothecary[/b] - Master in the art of combining various medical herbs into pills, powders, and tinctures. [b]Cooking[/b] - a five-star chef in the kitchen. Might be best to wait a few days before asking what it is you ate? [b]Fortune-telling[/b] - it's almost like she's got a direct line with Fate, with a very large collection of Tarot cards. [b]Herbology[/b] - knows many uses for many plants, always eager to examine new ones. [b]Knitting[/b] - it may not be the prettiest sweater or whatever it turns out to be, but it will be warm with room to grow. [b]Medicine[/b] - a master at the craft of tending to illness and injury, can perform surgery. [b]Mimicry[/b] - she can make realistic animal calls. [b]Needlework[/b] - keeps her fingers nimble. [b]Orphic Line of Ikalis[/b] - a master in the Orphic Laws of Sacrifice (these spells often have some nasty costs) - Automata, Dowsers, Elementalism, Familiars, Furies, Wyrd Tech, Poltergeists. [b]Orphic Line of Idaqiohne[/b] - a master in the Orphic Laws of Sympathy (like calls to like) - Basic, Battle Magic, Constructs, Golems, Magic Eyes, Rune Magic, Wards, Zombies. [b]Painting[/b] - Don't touch the paintings, sometimes they touch back.... [b]Potion-making[/b] - a master in the creation of potions, explosions are rare. [b]Singing[/b] - good singer, knows a lot of songs. [b]Violin[/b] - very good musician with the violin. [/hider] °Strengths - Clever - Dedicated - Caring °Weakness - Fondness for alcohol and sweets - Sense of duty - Blunt °Tools - Four Horse constructs that pull her wagon - "Scarecrow" construct that drives her wagon - Fortified & warded living wagon that uses glyphs and other magic to allow itself to expand its interior as needed; only people she names can enter - not even if they try the cat flap. - Magic eyes around the exterior of the wagon that allows her to observe what's going around it. - A small library of books, maps, and papers (she is not a lending library, some of these are chained for a reason.) - A small library of unique Tarot decks - A moderate library of glyphs - Painting easle, brushes, canvases, and various jars of paints in trays - Knitting basket with balls of yarn and long knitting needles of wood and bone - Needlework basket with various threads - Black medicine bag - Small distillery - Potion brewing stand - A large apothecary chest - A small crystal ball kept in a padded box or covered when not in use to prevent fires (and peeking) - Orphic reservoir - a pet cat and a pet raven - various boxes with various impliments like trowels, hand saws, hatchets, etc. - a kitchen - a small stove - other fittings that might be found in a living wagon (bed, etc) [hider=Optional: Extra Details] [center][color=00ff66][b]What They Most Want: [/b][/color] Knowledge and new horizons [color=00ff66][b]If They Had a DnD Alignment, It Would Be: [/b][/color] Neutral Good [color=00ff66][b]Three Likes: [/b][/color] - Books - Music - Alcohol [color=00ff66][b]Three Dislikes: [/b][/color] - Needless violence - Abusers of the weak - Stubborn stupidity [color=00ff66][b]Do They Follow Their Heart or Their Mind?: [/b][/color] Their head. If she uses her heart, there could be a lot more craters in this world. [color=00ff66][b]Worst Fear: [/b][/color] To be trapped [color=00ff66][b]Favorite Color: [/b][/color] Red [color=00ff66][b]Most Like The Animal: [/b][/color] A Raven [color=00ff66][b]Favorite Time of Day: [/b][/color] Sunset [color=00ff66][b]How They Dress: [/b][/color] - A green cloak, patterned like bricks, with eye-shaped cloak clasps. Pockets can be seen on the inside. - A tan tunic - A multi-colored scarf (it's warm) - A dark skirt (breeches? Aren't you the odd bird, wantin' ta see an old woman wearin' those.) - Sandals - Socks (needs to keep me toes warm) - A slouched, wide-brim pointed leather hat that's seen better days, with willow-reinforcement inside to protect the head. The embroidered hat band is magic eyes, allowing her to see all what's around her. - Walking stick with a brass ferrule. Some claim if she thumps it hard on the ground, it makes sparks... - A Calabash pipe and a pouch of tobacco. [color=00ff66][b]Favorite Season: [/b][/color] Spring, the renewal of the world [color=00ff66][b]What Gods/Spirits/Whatevers They Worship (If Any): [/b][/color] The Wanderer (You have to wonder when she's preaching if his ears are burning)[/center] [/hider] [/hider]