[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231206/e7e979d194a35155048afc5356a17e92.png[/img][/center] [CENTER][color=ffe81f][H3]THE GALAXY BLEEDS; TRAPPED IN AN ENDLESS CYCLE OF REVENGE AND WAR. ENTIRE WORLDS BURN, ERASING SPECIES AND CULTURES IN THE FIRES OF HATRED. BILLIONS DIE IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM AND PURSUIT OF POWER. IN THE MIDST OF THE STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE, THERE ARE NO HEROES NOR VILLAINS. THERE ARE ONLY...[/H3][/color] [color=FF1721][b][H1]OUTLAWS[/H1][/b] [/color][/CENTER] [hr] Hello and welcome to Outlaw Space, a sci-fi/fantasy Space Western roleplay inspired by a variety of movies, games, anime, and so forth. This is my own custom homebrew setting filled with a variety of different stuff to suit different tastes, but I'll try to keep things simple to start with. Players will take the role of the crew of an independent starship operating out of (you guessed it) Outlaw Space, the hazardous region of no-man's-space between the two warring empires of the galaxy. We can discuss what sort of missions our ship (name pending) will take on, but I am expecting characters to be (dun dun) Outlaw space criminals in the vein of mercenaries, thieves, bounty hunters, rebel partisans, and so on. The galaxy is a dangerous place, filled with not only pirates and rival criminals, but ruthless corporations, deadly cults, and bizarre aliens. The business of Outlaws is booming in the wake of the latest Umbral War, the cyclical confrontations between the galactic superpowers of the Arc Luminous and Crux Tenebrous, which has persisted for more than 2000 years. Technically neutral in this ancient conflict are the Spacer Commerce League, a 100,000-year-old NGO whose control over the galactic Hyper-Ring network has kept its thumb firmly on the throat of galactic economics. However, intrigue abounds as each force in the galaxy desperately vies to gain an advantage over the other before they are mutually annihilated. Lost technology and ancient secrets abound in the dark reaches of Outlaw Space, promising a fortune to anyone bold or insane enough to pursue them. Obviously there's much more going unsaid, but feel free to drop any questions, comments, etc, below, and I'll answer as much as I can. Stay gold, Outlaws.