[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: D&D Dormitory [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1059968456998535231/1168571962449215578/image0.jpg?ex=65524072&is=653fcb72&hm=926217a86bb1f8c69941ac84d3921d1d404a0f97cca71f2a1325eed21f7aeb89&]Halloween Costume[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dorian laced his fingers into Percy's once more. Smiling at his friends group as he waved them goodbye. [Color=CC99FF]”See you guys in a bit! Just want to ‘ave some time with Perce for now if t’at's ok.”[/color] He didn't really give them the time to answer before he hurriedly took his boyfriend over towards Lady Nimue's Otherworldly Haunted House. He hoped he made it clear that he wished they'd leave the two alone for a moment. The walk was relatively quiet as the music blared in the background, fading more as he made his way towards the line to enter. Once they stopped, Dorian reached for Percy's tie and pulled him in close for a passionate kiss before pulling back away. [Color=CC99FF]”You know, ‘aunted ‘ouse's can make [i]excellent[/i] make out spots dependin’ on ‘ow t'ey're made. Some have little dark nooks you can sneak in for a moment to break away from the scares.”[/color] His hand was still on Percy's tie for a moment longer before it slowly trailed down the length of it, smoothing it out by the time he'd reached the end. He held Percy's hand again, taking a step forward when the line moved up. [Color=CC99FF]”T’ank you for comin’ I know t'is really isn't your scene…but it means a lot to me.”[/color]