[center][h1]The Great Gus[/h1][/center] [hr] Gus listened intently to Faline's explanation, the gravity of their mission sinking in. The Duskrot pandemic, Dragonian tombs... and a secret Emperor's club? – the hell has the old fart gotten himself into? As Amandine playfully confronted him, Gus couldn't help but smirk at her boldness. He chuckled at her words, appreciating her straightforward approach. However, when she plucked the coin from his hand and mentioned his old man's involvement in a mission for the Emperor, Gus felt a mixture of surprise and concern. He glanced at the coin, now held by Amandine, and couldn't help but feel a deeper connection to the cause. The mention of a pretty necklace and a secret club led by Faline added layers of intrigue to the already complex situation. Gus's mind raced with questions, but he kept his composure. Amandine's whispered words about Faline's tension didn't go unnoticed, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by the dynamic among this group of mercenaries, seemingly more like a group of misfits than a true band of mercs. As he reclaimed his coin, Gus wore a pensive expression. [color=gold]"So, the old man's involved in something big, huh? And here I thought he was just off chasing women again."[/color] His tone was a mix of amusement and concern. [color=gold]"If he's working for the Emperor to tackle this Duskrot mess, count me in. Plus, it's bound to be more interesting than being stuck here. Let's find this necklace and whatever else you would need me for."[/color] [color=gold]"Lead the way, Faline. I'm ready for whatever surprises this journey has in store for us. And, hey, if you ever need someone to lighten the mood or cheat a few bandits for a good cause, I'm your guy."[/color] He performed a bow, soon pulling his head up to wink. [color=gold]"People have also said that I'm a very good masseur, if you would ever find the need for it."[/color]