Quinn gave an emphatic shake of the head and opened her mouth to answer, only to be hear a sudden unseen voice coming from her right and [i]jump[/i] in her chair, whipping her head around like a startled cat to see a young woman, dressed in a beautiful black and gold dress that made Quinn swell with a new emotion after the nerves had left her body: jealousy. She still had zip formal clothing, she was reminded, and Casoban was a place where, it would seem, pilots needed a closetful. She wanted a dress like that. She wanted it so bad. She wasn't entirely sure what they were talking about, not really. She understood the [i]concept[/i] of theater but she'd obviously never seen any, especially not live. So instead of trying to follow what they were talking about, Quinn instead sat back and examined [i]how[/i] they were talking about it. Casoban was still so new to her, there were many things she didn't understand. But she definitely knew what it looked like when people met a celebrity. It reminded her of Tillie a little bit. Not as high energy—that would be [i]hard[/i]—but new newly-named Claire had a bit of that same look in her eyes. When she dismissed herself, it was a good thing she didn't say anything to Quinn, because she quite frankly had no idea what she would say back to her. Still, the image of her and Cyril talking together twinged something inside her. Maybe she should learn a little modiology so she could talk to Tillie better. That was an interesting idea. Tillie was proof that there were good modiologists too. With Claire gone, Cyril spoke to her again, and she shook her head at the assertion he was rude before he continued and she cocked her head, as though she didn't totally understand and her mind needed a second to catch up. "[color=ffe63d]I...[/color]" The words caught in her throat a bit and she had to force them out: "[color=ffe63d]I wouldn't really know. The only time I've been planetside for more than a few minutes since Hovvi—[/color]" her voice shook, nearly cracked, but held, and she silently congratulated herself, "[color=ffe63d]—was during the duel, and then this one talk show that I had to leave in the middle of.[/color]" Glancing around to see if anybody was nearby and thankful that the hostess had brought them to tables that weren't so close to the rest in the restaurant, she lowered her voice a bit. Cyril was one thing, he was a fellow pilot, but if Casoban wanted to casually forget about the entire messy ordeal she'd caused, then she was in no hurry to remind them. "[color=ffe63d]Not even all the people on the Aerie like me. Some are still mad about...you know, Roaki, all [i]that[/i] stuff...because they thought I'd lost us you and doomed Runa.[/color]" She gave a sad little laugh and looked up at how the golden light of the tree holograms wove together under her head. "[color=ffe63d]I don't think I'm very popular at all.[/color]"