[@rocketrobie2] Glad to have your interest. I'll give my thoughts on each of your ideas, and see if that helps you in the decision-making process. Reverse Cyborg: Probably the biggest stretch, but not unworkable. Generally, cybernetic organisms tend to exhibit traits of superiority in the galaxy, so one reversing that process would be quite an unusual proposition. I could see it though, maybe someone who underwent SINTH conversion trying to reverse the process, or some space-vagabond android of another description pulling a Bicentennial Man. Worth exploring more. Space Cultist: Outlaw Space is teeming with weird sects and cults, so this one would fit quite smoothly. Worshiping an AI isn't an unheard of prospect, though they are exceedingly rare and secretive beings. This is because 1. the Crux Tenebrous outlaws almost every form of synthetic lifeform in its borders and 2. synthetic lifeforms (including AIs) have full personhood in the Arc Luminous, making it kind of a laughable idea to worship, like, Steve. Key exception: there is a huge, godlike AI that runs a large part of the Arc, and commands considerable political power, basically equivalent to being a small country on her own. This is PANDORA, the galactic-simulator AI that helped found the Arc after she defected from the Crux. I could very easily see a fringe sect of weirdos in Outlaw Space obsessed with her. Plucky Pilot: Easy as pie. Pilots are everywhere, and their licensing body is usually the Spacer Commerce League, who runs pretty much everything relating to interstellar economics. A level-5 license through them is all you need to pretty much have clearance to fly anywhere in the galaxy. Disgraced Marshall: This guy would probably be an outcast from the Crux, who run on a sort of feudal system. Vassal states and tributaries are constantly jockeying for power and status, and it makes sense that a character such as this could have fallen from grace following a military defeat or some other humiliation. All in all very workable stuff. [@BangoSkank] Both these ideas have legs, just let me know any specifics when you think of them. Might be amusing to consider when and why your character or their ancestors had their genes augmented to be short and hobbitlike. I think if we get one or two more committed players we'll have enough to start.