[center][b][u]CRUMBLING EMPIRES[/b][/u][/center] [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/016/b/8/endless_space___empire_defeate_by_a_u_r_e_l-d5rp28f.jpg] [b]CRUMBLING EMPIRES[/b] The ancient Galactic Realm, ruled from the Core Worlds of the galaxy, is waning. The barbaric kingdoms that lie beyond the galactic frontier are now amassing their strengths, choosing this pivotal moment to strike at the heart of the fading republic. They seek to establish new empires built upon the ashes of decaying civilizations. But these outer systems are not yet strong enough to engage the forces of the Core Worlds directly. The young kingdoms must first gnaw at the edges of the crumbling frontier, developing new types of units and shrewder tactics. They must build up their energy resources to launch magnificent fleets and overwhelming ground forces. Then, when the time is right, they must strike at the galactic core itself, claiming the most exalted planets for themselves. The barbarian kingdom that achieves these goals will carve out the greatest empire in the galaxy. [b]FACTIONS[/b] The game has two factions, Galactic Empires and Barbarian Kingdoms. These names seem rather choicy at first, but they are generic names and you will have a much larger perspective on how you manifest your nation. Here’s a more apt, albeit generalized description of the two factions. [i]Galactic Empire[/i]: Civilized. Cultured. Decadent. Corrupt. While other civilizations flopped around in the primordial ooze, these civilizations were finalizing FTL travel, plasma based technology and advanced cloning. They spread across the stars, colonizing far away systems and amassing a complete and robust empire that has stood for millennia. You must defend your empire against the incoming barbarians. They are not the endtimes as some have suggested, but rather another fly to be swatted by your grand armies. [i]Barbarian Kingdoms[/i]: The barbarian kingdoms are collectively called so because warfare, deception and brutality have galvanized their society and culture in the last one thousand years. Many of these primitive cultures were left alone by the greater species, but as they grew and advanced, the galactic empires realized that it was not if, but rather when these ‘lesser’ species would come knocking on the galactic door. They have arrived. These grand old empires are hollow and corrupt, they are ready to be toppled, and who better it to topple than you? [b]NOTE[/b]: This is both a [b]NATION RPG[/b] and a [b]GAME[/b]. We want to craft a story, but there will be a [b]Winner[/b]. Whether it's the [b]Galactic Empires[/b] who push the barbarians back and conquer them, or the barbarians finally conquer the great and decadent empire, I have no idea. But this game will span probably about 50 - 100 years and will have a definitive ending, as I want there to be a conclusion; as I prefer a conclusion as opposed to the RP just dying off. INTEREST? COMMENTS? THOUGHTS? OPINIONS? YES? NO?