[hider=She Who Bears the Grace of Infinity] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1ZTUMGr.png?6[/img][/center] [center][h2][b]Angelica "Angie" Vickers[/b][/h2][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] An outwardly fairly average girl of 5'7” with blue eyes and straight black hair, who usually wears too many baggy layers to perceive just how unbelievably muscular she is for both her age and apparent lack of interest in exercising. Despite the rather wild changes the awakening of her past lives once visited upon her, the powers she received allowed her to revert herself to a mostly normal appearance, consistent with her original. When she is agitated, however, some of those traits may resurface. When she uses the [color=f7941d][b]Grace of Sunshine[/b][/color] to its greater potential, her body grows regardless of attempts to restrain it, hence why she wears baggy clothes (often including skirts), allowing some room for expansion before they are destroyed by her own power. In that form, her body quickly grows to easily surpass eight feet tall, her hair and eyes turning golden and body becoming muscular to the point of looking like a professional body-builder. [b]Concept:[/b] An unambitious and occasionally foul-mouthed girl, generally content to seek a comfortable mediocre existence and do nothing more with herself, going where her whims take her. She desires a quiet, unbothered life, but when the call to greatness and heroism sounds, she is a (outwardly) begrudgingly eager participant. She is also fairly prideful, desiring to live life her way and taking particular offense to others trying to change her way of thinking or interfere in her ability to choose her own path. Yet... for all her claims of desiring nothing more than a quiet life, she quietly harbors an extremely power-hungry nature, tempered by her morals; in pursuit of the ultimate peaceful life, she sees a dangerous world around her and concludes that the only true security in life is acquiring as much power as possible. The egos of her past lives do not usually have much influence on her decisions, but they are present and willing to intervene for her benefit (at least for the sake of their own survival). Escanor is usually the most direct in this respect, but he largely spends his time guarding Angie's mind and soul from influence with his indomitable presence. [b]RC1:[/b] [url=https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Dio_Brando]Dio Brando[/url] [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure] - Vibe: [color=fff200]DIO[/color] is a cruel and megalomaniacal tyrant vampire with a god complex, who sought immortality and to conquer the world, defeated arguably only by his sole true weakness, his unwavering arrogance, superiority complex and habitual underestimation of his opposition. - Power: Vampire (Superhuman physicality, a bevy of self-biokinesis-derived abilities, zombie creation, sunlight weakness), Stand User of The World (An extremely physically powerful projection of the soul and fighting spirit, possessing both the universal Stand abilities, along with the ability to stop time for increasingly large increments with practice), The Heaven Plan (Possesses knowledge of the step-by-step plan Dio concocted that would have evolved his Stand and achieved effective godhood; though, she has naturally yet to pursue it). [b]RC2:[/b] [url=https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Escanor]Escanor, the Lion's Sin of Pride[/url] [The Seven Deadly Sins] - Vibe: One of 7 heroes, a being of duality, by night, [color=f7941d][b]Escanor[/b][/color] is a frail, polite and submissive man with glasses, who wouldn't hurt a fly, but by day... He is a hulking, powerful being of unequaled Pride and regality, arrogant, boastful and domineering, who cannot hold hatred in his heart for anyone weaker than himself, only pity... [i]and he considers everyone weaker than him[/i]. Regardless of his form, he maintains a strong sense of duty, filled with resolve and determination. - Power: [url=https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Sunshine]Sunshine[/url] A divine magical power that constantly waxes and wanes at any given moment, enhancing the owner magically, physically and spiritually according to the time of day, their very soul burning with the power of the sun. This divine power also makes them immune to curses and commandments from demons. A side-benefit of being able to process and use sunlight like this is that this power counteracts the vampiric weakness to sunlight carried over from Dio. Conversely, the self-biokinesis from Dio is used to counteract and condense the physical growth caused by Sunshine, allowing Angie to avoid growing into an Amazonian hulk and destroying her clothes every time she is empowered. [b]RC3:[/b] [url=https://honkai-impact-3rd-archives.fandom.com/wiki/Mobius]Mobius, Bearer of Infinity[/url] [Honkai Impact 3rd] - Vibe: A ruthless, manipulative and occasionally flirtatious scientist, who zealously pursued the salvation and evolution of Humanity, [color=00a651]Mobius[/color] was one of 13 legendary heroes, who fought to save the world from a genocidal alien force known as the Honkai, but she ultimately disappeared into the shadows of history to an unknown fate. - Power: A space-age-tier super genius that dabbles across a wide spectrum of tech trees. Honkai energy manipulation (An extremely corruptive and deadly reality-warping radiation also known as "Imaginary Energy", which is highly hostile to "real" creatures). MANTIS powers (Lightning manipulation, manifestation of a "shadow", agelessness, control of her Active Honkai Reaction and a form of immortality that allows her to regenerate in a younger form if she dies). [b]Special Items:[/b] -[url=https://jojo.fandom.com/wiki/Bow_and_Arrow]Stand Arrow[/url]: A golden arrow carrying a mysterious alien virus that is the source of Stands. For most people, a prick is invariably lethal, but those that have the ambition and fighting spirit are rewarded with the manifestation of a Stand. For the worthy, it also might display the ability to upgrade an existing Stand. Angie keeps it stored inside her shadow. -[url=https://nanatsu-no-taizai.fandom.com/wiki/Rhitta]Rhitta[/url]: A giant golden one-handed axe with a crescent-shaped blade that would normally be fairly unwieldy without super-strength, due to both its titanic weight and deliberately designed uneven weight distribution. It has several abilities, but it's primary one is to help Angie regulate and more finely control the incredible heat given off by Sunshine by absorbing and storing her spare power, allowing her to use precision rather than simply destroying everything in her vicinity. The secondary major ability unleashes this stored power later to assume her daytime capabilities even at night. When she isn't using it, Angie keeps it stored in her shadow. -Basilisk's Image - Deathshroud: A rather edgy green and black shield with gold and silver accents and bladed, spiked edges, the primary weapon of Mobius and the spearhead of her Active Honkai Reaction form. It is kept stored in Angie's shadow. [/hider]