[color=e0faac][center][h2]Hollyhock[/h2][hr][/center][sup][@Stern Algorithm][/sup][/color] Hollyhock had been approached by Sara. Unlike Sara's usual ward, Hollyhock didn't immediately engage in scorn and contempt. Rather, the first thing Hollyhock's eyes went to was the plate of food that Sara had been meticulously building. It was full of simpler foods that had less oil, butter, and seasoning. Hollyhock approved. It was a good plating. Someone like Theo would have probably filled his plate with rice, chicken, and broccoli that had all been boiled together. [color=e0faac]"I enjoy it about as much as I can. People outside the church seldom approach a Scion wearing a veil. I just honour the push and pull and have my fill."[/color] Hollyhock grabbed a small bowl of pasta and placed it on her plate. [color=e0faac]"Jannick does a good job even when I give him the slip. Once he bites into something, he never lets go. Like a uh... honey badger."[/color] Hollyhock mused. The man wasn't quite a wolf. She moved her head a little while she digested Sara's comments about Theo. [color=e0faac]"If I may offer a little sage advice: sometimes, people need to be protected [i]from [/i]themselves. War makes a man's body strangle his soul."[/color] She paused for a moment to gauge Sara's response. It was quite a long pause considering that Hollyhock spent that moment to shovel some Pasta Reggiano into her mouth. [color=e0faac]"That line was from Ophelia. From the part where her father was sending her off to her arranged marriage to the mad duke. Though I suppose it's not a great source of advice. That the play was a tragedy, after all. What would I know?"[/color] Her head turned to the noise of glass shattering. In the distance, it had appeared a servant had collided with someone. She watched as Caralynn admonished the servant. Hollyhock's mixture of smug smiles and breezy glances had been replaced by a grimace. Really, making a scene about that kind of thing was something awful. You just become the centre of attention in a negative way. [color=e0faac]"Though I do suppose Jannick's presence at my side would defend me from that awful wench."[/color]