One sheet for Antonio "Tony" Wenger, a fellow that survived training injuries and managed to barely graduate. Will have more soon, but going for that 'sweepings of the school' feeling. I might still want to tighten up a few bits of narrative there, but this is good enough as a draft. [hider=Tony Wenger] [Sub][b][color=darkgray]W A R D E N[/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [center][img][/img] [sub]Shitty AI art. It is what it is.[/sub] ANTONIO WENGER 20 | 6'2" | WARDEN CLASS 3rd[/center] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=00746b][I][indent]6'2 and with an athlete's build, dark-blonde hair and a slight madman's grin, Tony definitely cuts a figure but typically, if given the excuse, will take himself as far out of uniform as possible. In this capacity, anywhere outside of the citadel, he tends to adopt a hick's sensibility in fashion with lots of simple outdoor work clothing.[/indent][/I] [/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=00746b][I][indent]Tony, always Tony and never Antonio, has always been a troublemaker in the academy -- he was one of those that did not like being ripped away from family and sent to a military school at the tender age of 10. Left alone and bored, he will figure out ways to create a problem and has never been one to take caution into account. Nonetheless, he had a powerful connection with the mist and was being nursed along for his potential with the expectation that he'd 'straighten out.' That was before a training accident and traumatic brain injury that left him with a physical scar, some psychological ones that have to do with his loss of ability with Mist. Since then, he's spent a lot of time trying to recover his abilities with the Mist and stay in WARDEN training. Beyond relearning to use Mist, side effects after the injury include the occasional outburst out of nowhere or the occasional need for some sort of anesthetic for a whanging migraine or other neurological effect of the injury. Despite the erratic behavior at times, he's known in the Citadel as a guy to have 'on' the 'team' because he's good in a fight, be it a unit training exercise or brawl. Tony's attitude toward authority and authority figures is skeptical, to say the least. Given his druthers, he'd be working in his Uncle Rudy's garage, and if not for the ability to use Mist, that's where he'd be. He doesn't forget it and has a casual disdain for the more rigid types that he runs into -- in Tony's mind, you don't get anywhere playing by the rules, but you can get creative and reinvent the game. [/indent][/I][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=00746b][I][Indent] Tony's family have always been hinterland mountain sheep farmers and yeomen in Rassvet, unremarkable except in that they endure, much like the common clay of the land and his father Hugo managed to make a living for himself and his family in cheese production and organizing the local cheese producers into a cooperative that then marketed itself. As a result, Vindish Blue is one of the most sought after cheeses, internationally, with a trademark on the brand and traditional recipes are guarded jealously. Subsequent ventures into cooperative farming yielded success in mushroom farming and even some distilling. Tony's childhood, prior to assessment, was absolutely one of bumming around the countryside, playing in farms, fields and forests. It was a bucolic sort of existence in a prosperous rural hinterland of Rassvet. Tony, however, was assessed early and bundled into WARDEN training with an eye toward his potential. He had a strong connection with the Mist and was a physical specimen, a combination that was eyed as intriguing and aimed for great things, and was proving to be an intuitive learner. Regrettably, he suffered a particularly debilitating training injury at about age 15 that resulted in neurological damage. While Tony came back physically, his use of Mist changed entirely and he lost at least a couple of years of knowledge and training. He managed to 'limp' through the rest of WARDEN training where he excelled physically but encountered blocks in his ability to use Mist. His grades and assessments all suffered in the course of the affair -- he became more erratic though his work was quality, his focus and mood were all over the place. He had a considerable struggle to get himself back into the mental and physical shape to continue and he had to do whatever it took to make the instructors not write him off. Something kept him hanging on grimly -- his family was among those caught in the Vangar occupation that happened at the beginning of the conflict. His disciplinary record also shows some erratic moments; strange moods that are usually co-morbid with a terrible migraine, one of the aftereffects of his neurological damage. Always boisterous and loud, he subsequent obtained a reputation as a bit of a brawler, willing to get into a scrap. What ends with a night in a holding tank in civilization is considered fair dinkum in the field where 'antics' are called 'tactics.' Tony is a natural at the Vanguard role, but also continued as a 'self-study' during those times when trying to rehab from his injuries which included motor-skill oriented athletic pursuits, like Parkour. Given lots of extra time to convalesce from his injuries, he actually spent time in the books and trying to regain his abilities with Mist, which included all kinds of meditative therapy and participating in scientific experiments with Mist that are routinely conducted at the Citadel anyway. The gain in skills, experience and concentration allowed him to reconnect to the mist, but it's different now. Still, it's there and that what matters is that he managed to squeak by the minimum requirement -- well past, physically, marginally on Mist capabilities. It's been more than a year since his last brawl with other students and he spent a month in confinement, bread and water while the other guy spent three in a cast for his monteggia fracture -- to be fair, the idiot was trying to choke Tony out to prove some point, and Tony just 'surged,' hard. While it was understandable that he'd do whatever it took in that situation, the incident hangs over him because that guy, Carl Schneider, was the top vanguard in the senior class and taking him out sort of put the final nail on the coffin in the eyes of the Citadel. It is safe to say that Tony was once a star student and then became essentially a failure of his potential in the eyes of the Citadel. He's bound for Task Force 254, a unit being formed for the express purpose of moving behind Vangar lines in the long term to provide technical military assistance, leadership, intelligence, organization and direct action capabilities for guerrillas behind the lines...and part of those lines are home territory for him - he knows the people, he knows the terrain. While behind the lines stuff is often class 1 or class 2 work, they're stretched and the idea is to create a force multiplier out of Wardens that don't fit in but can still contribute. He's expected to be good in that sort of role, but that is a future with a very short expiration date if things go wrong. The thing is, Tony was expected not to survive his injuries, was not expected to recover enough to graduate and not expected to be able to do a number of things, but there's something there that does not quit.[/indent][/I][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] C O M B A T [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [I][indent] [color=darkgray][u]Combat Class:[/u][/color] [color=00746b]Vanguard-ish, but very Guerrilla and ambush-oriented.[/color] [color=darkgray][u]Combat Style:[/u][/color] [color=00746b]Tony's combat style is roughly that of a Vanguard, but he goes lightly on armor and, if given the opportunity, carries plenty of explosives -- which he has a taste for, improvised or otherwise. As classmates in unit exercises can attest, Tony's rigged tripwires onto CS gas canisters and smoke grenades and otherwise has figured out how to build explosive devices with the focus of a teenager given free reign to learn to blow shit up. He's started to use the Mist to create triggers for these booby traps, and camouflaging them with same as a nasty surprise. It is not Tony's way to fight fair, but to find every seam, every fold in the ground, every way he can manage to approach an enemy unseen and take them down before they're even aware. His melee weapon of choice is either a hammer or axe with a big spiky head, plenty of hooks and an extra long prybar handle. His ancestors were mountain yeomen with halberds, and the choice is actually surprising traditional...except he uses it to rip out windows and doors and to pummel or pry what can be in order to create tactical advantage. He's had, like any Warden, extensive familiarization with a lot of different weapon types, but has most experience with the standard issue carbine, but also kind of tends to be the guy that gets saddled with grenade launchers or squad automatics/machineguns because he's big and strong. Tony's mist use has changed. Whatever his neurological damage is, and he is healing, it forced him to relearn things with less native capability than before. It's made him think about and ponder the Mist, and it's allowed him to start creating relationships between particulate matter where none existed before. For example, an attractive relationship between bullet and target, which is one of his most basic ones. Another trick he's learned is the manipulation of light, which came about in a field exercise where a scope took damage and Tony, in frustration, ripped the thing off and used Mist to create a focused optic effect with iron sights that replicated the scope's effects. This is all private work he's done with the mist during his 'self study' period, which also includes the integration of mist and tech through these entangling effects, rather than the more common use that Vangar has of simply using Etherium to fuel these things. The Citadel may not be entirely wise to what Tony's been cooking. [/color] [/indent][/I] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] R E L A T I O N S H I P S [/color] [/b][/sub] [hr] [color=00746b][I][indent]TBD - gotta read, lol.[/indent][/I][/color] [hr][/hider]