[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=6644ff]Jack Hawthorne[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1071511694637006920/1107753925676900392/20230515_153755_0000.png?width=1111&height=625[/img][hr][b][color=6644ff]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=6644ff]Skills:[/color][/b] [b][color=6644ff]Spells:[/color][/b] Shadow Scythe [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1119732958107021322/f7059321aefbfb8ce4923b133f1f9d6d.png?width=343&height=625]Outfit[/url] [hr][hr][/center] At last, they seemed to be forming a coherent plan. Annika managed to form a connection for Max to speak through, and he had a good idea in mind. Using three of them, who had an affinity for other worlds, they could stabilize part of the Veil just enough to get the hell out of here and give Magik of piece of their minds, using Madalyne's connection to two separate worlds as a conduit. It sounded less risky when three of them worked in tandem. Three was an important number in magic. Thinking about it, Jack liked the idea. [color=6644ff]"That could work. Let's expand on that. All of my magic is derived from a dimension called the Everdark. Also known as the void, it's a place where all other universes and realities spill into slowly. The Veil works differently there, and I use this to go anywhere in existence, constantly. This means that any portal I make will first lead there, and then out to my intended destination through another. There are an infinite number of stable rifts there, which someone could simply walk through like a hallway to enter another world. I've mapped many of these rifts extensively; Opening a singular portal there is easier than two linked portals. And if we do, I could minimize our risk of failure by directing our passage through known territory."[/color] The Everdark was a place that even the most powerful Sorcerer Supreme could not access normally. It was a place that only its own Shadowtouched had the right to step in and out of. But Jack has brought others there before, some willingly, some by force. As far as his antics with interdimensional travel went, this one was pretty interesting. Idly, he fidgeted with the scythe still in his hands, [color=6644ff]"It would be an extra step, but we'd be less likely to stray off course, and we need all the stability we can manage in a time like this. Assuming we go that route, we'll need to move quickly once we're there. My home world is alive, in a sense, and doesn't appreciate outsiders lingering longer than temporary."[/color]