Omega Seaside Village "Raydel isn't my name. The children gave it to me when I told them I don't remember my name." Omega observes Galen. "And I can only assume that death changed all of us somehow. It's interesting. All the things that held us hostage in life didn't matter in death. We're free now. Well as free as an engram can be." "Zaak has changed too. Not for the better,somehow. He's obsessive to the point of mania. Almost like a parody of himself. Like he's trying to prove he's still himself." Omega sighs. "We've this small advantage. To be honest we don't have much of a plan. No one but Zaak can wield the Umbra. And he's nigh invincible with it. Any Umbra we find we've brought here. The elder in the village agreed to help. Using Galen's blood as a medium the Elder is able to erect a barrier to hide this place." "But it's killing me." An elderly lady approaches from the entrance. Creeping up the side of her face is an ominous pattern of Umbral Seals. Their jagged, stabbing angles cut across her hands as well. "Raydel here has said your man is going about scheming most nefarious. I swear you young girls can't handle your men right." "She's older than you, Maya." Omega corrects. "Then she should damn well know better." Maya snaps. Omega turns to Lotus. "Sorry about her shes" "A bitch?" Maya cuts in. Omega sighs deep signifying he's 1000% done.