[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: Night Location: Edge of Lover’s Lake-Roman Ceremony Interactions: Ari[@Tpartywithzombi][/color] [color=9FA1A4] As the ritual continued the strange brew Callum had drunk began to take hold. The fire danced in ways he’d never seen before. Not just the fire, slowly everything started to move in subtle ways, nothing was stagnant, and things that were moving maintained ghostly trails behind them. A wide smile spread over his face, everything felt lighter, and there were no burdens, only awe. He walked around, a clumsiness to his gait, half listening to what was going on while becoming more and more unfocused. He did not want to stand still, so he walked in widening circles around the fire, each lap bringing him further away from the ritual. He did not want to be a disturbance and no longer knew what was happening in the ritual. If the tea he drank was intended to make him see, then wandering around looking at things seemed fitting. He saw the night’s sky contain more splendor than it ever had before, he saw the branches of the trees sway as if they wished to dance around the fire, and he saw a cloaked figure fall to the ground. [i]“Hoo?”[/i] A voice from above asked. [color=00F8FE]“Good question.”[/color] Callum also wondered who it was. He headed in the direction of the cloaked figure as he heard the odd voice again. [i]"Hoo?"[/i] Cal up and all around until the looking began to make his head spin but his eyes landed on the source of the voice. His eyes met inky black ones, darker and deeper than the night sky, contrasted by plumage of warm browns and brilliant white spots. Is that owl watching me? He stopped walking and stared intently at an owl perched upon a tree, its swirling feathers holding his attention for a long while. The owl cried out its constant question, [i]"Hoo?"[/i]. [color=00F8FE]“Callum.”[/color] He answered pointing to himself. The owl did not give its name, it only flew off, as if unappeased by Cal’s answer. [color=00F8FE]“Oh, well, goodbye.”[/color] [color=00F8FE][i]What was I doing?[/i][/color] He looked around, confused but content with his confusion. He saw the cloaked figure lying down several feet away. [color=00F8FE][i]Oh yeah.[/i][/color] He meant to walk over there and then looked down at the grass. [color=00F8FE][i]Wow! Did grass always look like that? It's so green.[/i][/color] Callum paused and knelt in the grass and it was so much softer than he remembered it being. He giggled, like a crazy person, touching the grass as if he were petting a strange new creature. Soon he too lay in the grass and looked up at the trees and the stars, not moving for a while as he heard the songs and chanting from Roman’s ritual in the distance. Then he remembered he was supposed to be watching the ritual but couldn’t quite find the will to get back up and go over there. There was more tree watching, the bark patterns flowed like water, moving, breathing, alive. They did not always look like that, he was almost certain. [color=00F8FE][i]The Bonfire![/i][/color] He did not want to stare at trees all night, he wanted to watch the pretty fire again. Callum got back up and for the third time remembered the cloaked figure and his desire to see what they were doing. Finally, he made his way over there. [color=00F8FE]“Ari?”[/color] His surprise made her name sound like a question. [color=00F8FE]“You’re here!”[/color] He went to show her his red cup but it wasn’t in his hand, he hadn't had it for a while now, and he couldn’t remember what happened to it. [color=00F8FE]“I drank the weirdest tea and now everything is so pretty. You gotta try it!”[/color] He decided he wanted to sit on the ground, as standing over someone felt awkward, but less than gracefully chose to just drop into a sitting position with a thump. He laughed at this for a bit too long. [color=00F8FE]“Oh! And I just saw an owl, but it flew away.”[/color] Cal incorrectly pointed in the direction he'd seen the owl, and crossed his thumbs as he used his hands to mimic a flying bird.[/color]