[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kZHM7qn.png[/img][/center] [color=gray] [color=teal]Location:[/color] Violet's bedrooom [color=teal]Time:[/color] Evening [color=teal]Mention:[/color] [@Tpartywithzombi] Violet [color=teal]Attire:[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/gNz7wsg.png]Mask[/url], [url=i.imgur.com/wztbh6q.png]Dress[/url] [hr] Countess Lilianne Damien stood in the silent bedroom, the air heavy with an unsettling stillness. Moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a glow upon the empty room. The blonde adorned in a matching white feather mask and dress stood with dilated pupils. In her hands, she held a crumpled letter, now tainted with droplets of blood like crimson teardrops. Her heart, a frantic drumbeat in the silence, quickened with each passing second. Panic gripped Lily as her eyes raced over the words in the letter. [color=teal][i]Where is she?[/i][/color] In the quiet of the room, she turned her gaze to a hairbrush on her nightstand. [color=teal][i]I will find you, Violet. Whether you are trying to escape or someone matters not. I will not lose you again... He will not lose you again. [/i][/color] She then looked down once more at the letter. [color=teal][i]If this Roman had something to do with her disappearance, he will pay a cost he could never dream of...I have to tell Calbert... This cannot wait. [/i][/color] She then grabbed the hairbrush and left the bedroom with haste. [/color]