[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1170081630887612468/1170156549650534470/55db9d55763b87bfdfeb2a3ad496683c.png?ex=65580435&is=65458f35&hm=18273165adfdc1dddf6f8f1c88891b3ea57222883974fcfe4ac447f5df5ada1b&[/img][/center] [hr][h1]Inokashira Park[/h1][hr] Despite Lham Dearg having just deflected its last attack, the Cyclops's reaction to the undead soldier was almost non-existent. Instead, it only responded to the words and gestures of Satoshi Miura--immediately turning from Lham Dearg to try and attack the muscular man wielding those flail-like weapons. "Ye feartie-cat! Come back 'n' coupon mah sword!" yelled the angry Sidhe. But then his mistress shrieked as more cultists surrounded her--some had cut her off before she could reach the stage, and others were closing in from behind! Lham Dearg paid no more mind to the one-eyed giant--it looked like Jack Frost and the martial artist were holding their own well in any case. The swordsman leaped off the stage, as the dark blood spilling from his hands trailed in the air! "Wah, wh-what's w-w-wrong with you!?" Miyuki's entire body trembled as the cultists closed in, wielding knives or box cutters, batons--things that they must've been hiding on their person or under their robes the whole time. But her shakes were only due to the fear of direct social confrontation--such a shy girl could barely tolerate crowds to begin with, much less such a hostile environment as this one. But when one cultist lunged at her with the knife, she sidestepped without even thinking and slammed her wooden sword down hard on the back of his head. The man let out a sharp cry before he fell to the ground, unconscious. Then another one grabbed her hood, yanking her back as the point of a knife glittered above her--! "Unhaun th' lassie!" Lham Dearg's own blade passed a mere hand's breadth away from Miyuki's face, and the Cultist holding her cried out in pain. She twisted her whole body and kicked off with both legs, jerking free just before her contracted demon shoulder checked the robed figure--who was now crying through bloodshot eyes as they gripped the bleeding stump of their arm. "D-don't k-k-kill them!" She gasped, though she immediately had to defend herself again. Her wooden blade clacked loudly against the Cultist's baton as they swung in clumsy, drunken fits. "Och, Ah'll juist invite thaim ower fur a plook o' cuppa then!" spat her Demon as his sword deflected another knife. "Whit else dae ye expect in th' midst o' battle?" Nonetheless, rather than maiming this enemy he simply punched them in the face with his off hand. They still screamed and bled from a clearly broken nose, but as they writhed on the ground at least it was a debatably better outcome. The soldier immediately turned to another foe and caught their wrist mid-swing before clubbing them over the skull with the pommel of his sword, dropping them like a sack of potatoes. "I don't know what is going on, but we have to stop them before these people get hurt!" came a shout. Miyuki had just finished her opponent with a thrust to the gut that knocked the air out of their lungs, and turned to see Mr. Wong gesturing over the stage. It looked like the Cyclops had been knocked off the dais, and that crystalline angel was gone too--but that was because it was attacking another girl! This girl had a demon with her too--a [i]much[/i] cuter looking one than what Miyuki had ended up with! In a moment of self-consciousness, she looked back at her contractee--only to see the Scotsman headbutt another Cultist. [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/1649d6a2bf1cddf85f6365b6f66c14f3/bf3d1105602d2043-06/s540x810/85208e280edd505a313e2445d7b647973563f510.gifv]Multiple times[/url]. Until they lost consciousness. But Miyuki understood what Mr. Wong had meant! These cultists weren't in their right minds, and those other demons seemed a great deal stronger than the other three individually. Maybe by teaming up they could defeat them...but, those demons had [i]also[/i] been summoned! So what if they took the summoner out instead? "Lham Dearg! We have to stop Satoshi Miura!" shouted Miyuki as she charged the stage again. Her partner grunted in assent as barreled through another pair of Cultists. He outran Miyuki with his supernatural athleticism, stopping below the stage to hold out one hand. With a sudden realization that, in only a short amount of time, she'd come to implicitly trust this inhuman creature, Miyuki stepped up. Her foot, small by comparison to the much taller demon, planted against Lham Dearg's palm. "Chlanna nan con thigibh--" Muscle and veins stood out in the demon's arm as he heaved, "--a' so 's gheibh sibh feĆ²il!" "WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAN!?" Miyuki wailed as she soared into the air, above the stage, above the lecturn where Satoshi Miura stood watching Xavier Wong fight his demon. The politician's head would probably snap around just in time to see all one hundred ten pounds of angry nerd girl swinging a wood sword at his face with both hands! "Sons of The Hounds, Come Here and Get Flesh!" translated Lham Dearg with a bloodthirsty smile as he too mounted the stage, coming at Satoshi from behind with his own sword, this one made of real and deadly steel--!