[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/LRt9Ofi.png[/img] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/a_ZXp74cmcnxAvQSBK0nee5IJqvtSKuclfYouJxS7HA/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/231126/fd923e18179d11fb770a1c53aea6dd00.png?format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sully and Auri [/right][right][b][code]Flowers and Canvases[/code][/b][/right][hr] Stormy was a bold and protective man. He was willing to forgive people who did bad things when they were pushed into a corner. Even a worm will turn, but Britney ruined lives for years to come. Luca was [i]right here[/i] as living proof of that. The shields hanging off of his arms practically radiated a kind of unpleasant, suffocating sensation that only the red Lux users in the shop would be aware of. It was a decade ago. He [i]knew[/i] that. But right now, all he could see was the person who hurt others because the had her little god complex. [color=00FF98]”How do you-“[/color] Butterflies. Fucking butterflies. A whole wall of them. That was definitely Auri, alright. Stepping through them, she took the blame for Britney’s presence, staring him dead in the face. Stormy glared down at her, going through a bunch of thoughts right then and there as to wether or not he should be mad at [i]her.[/i] And of course, dear old Sully stepped around and took his mind off of Britney as well. They were standing up for her. Sully and Auri were good people. If they thought she deserved a second chance… [color=00FF98]”If she makes [b]one wrong move,[/b] I’ll deal with her myself.”[/color] That was his concession. The shields dissolved into a faint shimmering glow, until there was nothing. He wasn’t the kind of man known for blind rage in any way, so it was easy enough for him to put Britney out of his mind. He could write Britney off as a bad person for as long as she gave no one a reason to think otherwise. But he couldn’t stay mad Auri, or Sully. [color=00FF98]”It’s good to see both of you,”[/color] he said at last, clapping Sully over the shoulder, with a genuine smile on his face. [hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1177007458569424977/rumburak.png?ex=6570f09d&is=655e7b9d&hm=c11b4f1ccfb409d103f805b6d508371d626f69a375d515170c7c3f7453133268&=&format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Auri [/right][right][b][code]Flowers and Canvases[/code][/b][/right][hr] It was almost funny, seeing everyone doglike Greyson. He even broke down into [i]tears.[/i] If Greyson was anything more then a face in a small crowd to Jack, then he might’ve laughed or spoken up about the whole thing. But the more important matter was the fact that Auri’s attempt to unify this absolute wreck of a group went about as well as some of them expected. Auri was not Ashley, that much was true. But she could’ve at least tried not to talk about the endeavor like it wasn’t a “family.” That was her first mistake. Everyone digging up their own bad blood certainly didn’t help. Most people seemed to decide that they were done with this for now. They’d likely come around as some point of another. Jack certainly hoped so. Once people were off to dinner, the shop was quieter. The ones who stayed seemed to be a bit more willing to entertain this mystery. That was good. Jack needed to have a word with Auri about this, though. So he waited for everything to calm the fuck down. [color=6644ff]”It wasn’t a waste of time, calling us here. If I knew we were being picked off sooner, I’d have Father Wolf buried by now. And I know you had high hopes for reuniting us, but we haven’t been a family since we sealed away the Snake. The coven [i]was[/i] a family for many of us, myself included, but what we have now is nothing more than memories. The longer we spend dwelling on the past, the less time we have to focus on what is happening right now. Give them time, they’ll return sooner or later, once they’re ready. They won’t let this stop them from finding who is trying to kill us all.”[/color]