[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#663399]Annika Falling Star[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://img.wattpad.com/efbd2e8130db317bc791e1e9420fbe0c66db9b3b/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f62365f4e6e584f563745493254773d3d2d3334343134343736332e313438663064306533636165343865363632383634343039373839362e676966[/img][hr][b][color=#663399]Location:[/color][/b] Limbo [b][color=#663399]Skills:[/color][/b] [b][color=#663399]Spells:[/color][/b] Beast Bond; [hr][hr][/center] Annika blinked several times. She was staring at herself, but it wasn’t her voice coming out. Annika opened her mouth, but only a strange roar came out. Annika looked down and saw that she now inhabited the dragon's body. Well, she did want to know more about the strange creatures. Annika decided to take this as a learning opportunity rather than a failed attempt at her magic. Clearly, her ancestors wanted her to learn something about this form. Annika examined her physical body. She manoeuvred her giant paws and claws before flicking her long, serpentine tail and expanding her wings. Annika sighed in Dragonic pleasure. This was a wonderful experience. Annika decided to dive into the creature's mind to learn as much as she could before she tried to switch bodies once more. Perhaps the dragon knew of some transformative magic. It seemed the creature possessed a level of high intelligence. An intelligence that Annika couldn’t comprehend, as her people had no word for what a dragon was. Wars. Blood. Gold. Annika saw all these things flash through the dragon’s mind, along with all these heightened sensations. She could feel the wind dancing along her scales, even though her human form had felt no wind. She could smell a thousand different smells, and she could see. Mighty Creator, could she see. She saw colours she didn’t understand, and everything was in sharp focus. She could see details on her human companions that would have required Annika, in her human form, to stand mere inches from their faces. Annika's stomach grumbled low within her belly, and she had the sudden urge for venison. Unfortunately, there were no such creatures in this land — poor thing. Annika focused on the wellspring in her stomach, where her Creator’s fire sat within her. She could feel the fire even in this dragon form; it was immense and powerful. In fact, Annika felt a great deal of power, both physical and magical, within her reptilian-like bones. Annika stalked forward, feeling the great movement of the beast as she removed herself from the group. The feeling of fire started to creep up her chest and into her throat, looking for a way out. Annika wanted to try breathing fire like Max had. [Hider=Roll Request] Annika wants to breathe fire away from the group so as not to harm any of the humans.[/hider]