"I heard what your leader said to Isabelle during the Crystal Gala." The statement comes from Luca as he tucks the pen back into his suit jacket. His motions are fluid, but not rushed. Those of a person who has all the time in the world to consider what comes next. "That Family is. not. blood." he continues, quietly. "Sure was a moment, to hear someone say that to your little sister." Pen secure, he tugs the jacket closed before looking Matty up and down. "Do you have siblings, Miss?" he continues "Any younger ones, in particular? Do you know what it's like to have someone grow up in your footsteps. A shadow; following you around for almost your entire life ... always just a few steps and years behind. Simultaneously the most annoying thing in the galaxy and the most comforting presence you've ever known." "I'm not a very good brother." he admits. "I was always meant to lead, to protect. But somewhere along the way Isabelle started shining brighter than I ever could. And I, fool that I am, convinced myself that I should stand back and let her live the life she was [i]meant [/i]to." "I never questioned, never really thought about whether she had actually chosen the path she was on. And I am very grateful that you and yours have helped her find the strength to start finding her own way." Luca pauses, noticing that Carm and Tad are suddenly leaning closer. They grin up at him, punching his arm and ruffling his hair. "Speak for yourself, bro ..." says Tad. "We're only here cause this'll mess with mum." "But yeah, she's still our sister." Tad continues. "And if this'll help her, we're on board." "And, bonus points. If this works out, I'm telling her we're finally square for that time I smashed her nerdy space diorama when we were, like, twelve." Luca pulls away, giving the twins a level glare that does nothing to dampen the smiles on their faces. "Your contribution to the moment is appreciated." he deadpans, straightening his hair. Before the two of them round on poor Matty. "Just remember; if this screws our sister over ..." says Tad, as the twins turn those implacable smiles on the Hybrasillian. "... we'll hunt you down." finishes Carm.