Mira watches Selin with a curious smile on her face. Her sigh is contentment and resignation both at once. "If terror is our future in victory, in defeat, and in flight then I suppose victory is the only viable path forward is it not? We may as well extract our toll from the great machine they have built to play at war for them. Let's prove our worth, Selin. Won't it be fun to see what kind of new terrible name they think up for me after this?" She purrs through laughter, and wraps herself around Selin like a shield and a ribbon all in one. "Do you know my favorite interpretation of the One-Day Defender? That I have yet to truly defend anything. 'Perhaps one day she shall'. It is delightful. And correct. Soon the galaxy will understand what it looks like when I have something precious to protect. Maybe they won't be brave enough to call me anything other than what I am. Well. Either way. Are you ready to go home?"