[hr][hr][center][b][h3][color=FF17F2]Klara, Daughter of Thor[/color][/h3][/b][img]https://i.ibb.co/LhgR7n7/Klara-Thordattir-5-500x400.png[/img][hr][color=FF17F2][b]Location:[/b][/color] Limbo [color=FF17F2][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A [color=FF17F2][b]Spells:[/b][/color] N/A[/center][hr][hr] Klara was very much not liking the fact that Jack and Max were seemingly not actually wanting to take accountability for their actions with regard to her situation. She didn't like them, but the idea that Runa had proposed was certainly a more interesting reaction or replacement for what was going on. Of course, she probably should explain the full situation more, but considering she was mad at the pair and they didn't even acknowledge what she had said with regards to them? Why should she try to elaborate more or anything? The two were basically useless in her opinion. Then came Prudence, a person she didn't really know or have any sort of real interactions with before, who seemed to get the whole idea that Jack and Max didn't seem to deserve any sort of forgiveness or anything from her. [color=FF17F2]"They don't and haven't even seemingly felt bad about anything either, which doesn't make me likely to forgive them anytime soon either."[/color] she explained a bit to Prudence, before looking at Runa, [color=FF17F2]"How would that even seemingly work? With basically me getting someone else's soul or something?"[/color] she asked, thoroughly curious about it now.