Adam leaned against the cold stone wall and tried to catch his breath. The blaster burn on his arm hurt like hell, and he felt like he had run a marathon, though he had only been running for less than a minute. It was so obviously a trap, yet it was one he walked right in to. As soon as the message recorded by Prince Eskel went through, nearly an entire platoon of Stormtroopers attacked his position. The young Jedi had to call deeply on the Force to protect him and deflect the oncoming blaster bolts. One got through, though thankfully it merely grazed his arm. Now with a healthy appreciation for why most Stormtroopers hated their near useless Plastoid armor, Adam shed his stolen uniform onto the marble floor. "Where the hell am I?" he asked to no one in particular. Without much time to think, he had bolted for the first open door he could find, unsure of where it would take him. He at least had the presence of mind to collapse the hallway behind him, slowing his pursuers. And yet, he could not sense anyone trying to dig through the rubble. In fact, he felt nearly nothing except for the path that lay before him. [i]"Hate? Sorrow? Guilt?"[/i] Adam thought as he felt these things and much more. The blue of his lightsaber barely pierced the black shadows that stretched into eternity before him. With no where else to go, Adam collected himself and carefully walked forward into the abyss, lightsaber held out before him. At nearly every step, Adam could feel the dark side grow stronger and stronger. After what seemed an eternity, a dim light showed in the distance. Adam, feeling hopeful, picked up his pace. Soon he could leave this awful place and reunite with his friends. Then the roomed opened up, filling with artificial light. Though the room was large enough to fly an X-Wing through, it was nearly empty, with only a few ceremonial vases filled with red roses. So occupied with the massive space, the lone figure standing on the other end took him by surprise. "Have you heard of the tragedy of Padme Amidala?" said Darth Vader, standing next to a stone [url=]sarcophagus[/url]. "In life, she loved a Jedi Knight. In death, she bore him a son." Adam, confused and startled, raised his lightsaber into a guard position, wondering why Vader hadn't brought out his own. -------- The Stormtroopers turned on each other without a second thought, first with their fists, then with their blasters. It was merciless, bloody and very quick. Once the mayhem was finished, the Emperor let out a hollow, grim laugh. "Very clever, my dear. Step forward and kneel before me."