[img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Banner_VTM_IAN.png[/img] [hr] Ian watched as the television showed the boxer in the red corner scoring a victory against his opponent with a knockout, just as he predicted. There were lots of factors that went into boxing, of course, that a 'prediction' would never be 100% accurate, but as someone who was involved in boxing when it was still in its infancy, Ian had developed a good sense for these things. Of course, he never competed officially, and his 'fights' weren't exactly the highlight of his life, but he enjoyed the sport enough to keep practising it long after his underground fighting ring day, and even to the present day. He had just put the finishing touches on a speech for some CEO regarding sustainability in business. The client would be holding a gala soon and wanted to tap into the rising climate change awareness to attract some investors by presenting an 'SDG-compliant sustainable Business Model'. It was simple enough, and Ian finished it earlier than he estimated, which was why he ended up watching the tail-end of a boxing match to kill some time until his next appointment. His next appointment being, an invitation to the Strauss Manor from one of his 'adoptive sire', Edwina Adamson. The pragmatic issue of snubbing his benefactor aside, Ian did feel he was indebted to the two. Having their protection did afford him the freedom to act outside of either the Anarch or the Camarilla...not to mention the utterly ridiculous Sabbat. A freedom that Ian quite appreciated, especially as to how in the modern nights, when many elders had departed for the beckoning, having 10th-generation kindreds as patrons was quite the boon. And so Ian had little complaints about doing the occasional work for the two. A call from the lobby via the intercom a few minutes later informed Ian that one Alex Boering was here to pick him up. Ales was Ian's ghoul, as the CEO of Ian's startup company, Speechcraft Oratoria, one would think he did not drive his own car, but unlike Ian—whose interest in cars was merely in the realm of pragmatic utility—Alex was a total car enthusiast. Something that was apparent from the customized black Toyota GR Corolla. [hider=Toyota GR Corolla] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/8_I5XgzSjr_xzamqwRlNEnETBFs2WEyQ9WvFsfK-_zg/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRp/YS5jbm4uY29tL2Fw/aS92MS9pbWFnZXMv/c3RlbGxhci9wcm9k/LzIyMDMzMTE1Mjkw/OS0wMS10b3lvdGEt/Z3ItY29yb2xsYS5q/cGc_Yz0xNng5JnE9/d184NTAsY19maWxs[/img] [/hider] The car was something Alex was proud of, though Ian could only nod when he started talking about it. At least, Ian thought, being a car enthusiast came with being a skilled driver, which was why Ian would always have Alex drive for him if he was available. Ian could drive well enough, but nowhere near anyone with actual skill. And one could never be too cautious. If his ghoul's customized car and driving skills gave extra insurance for a kindred, then he would take it. The drive from Manhattan to the mansion went relatively smoothly. A bit of traffic but nothing too bad. Once he arrived, Alex parked the car, remaining inside on standby while Ian entered the manor. Quentin, the butler of the manor greeted him. "Apologies, I'd like to arrive earlier but a bit of traffic from Manhattan," Ian said. Quentin nodded, as he led him inside. 'Well then,' Ian thought, 'Let's see what this urgent matter Edwina wanted to speak about.'