Kijani wanted to turn her head away from the carnage and the murder she'd wrought. But no. Too long, she'd not looked those losses in the face. So she watched, as the Stormtroopers killed each other. Because *she* had told them that it was the right thing to do. Years of schooling and training and etiquitte stilled her face into a passive mask. The Force buried the light in her soul. Like a mother protecting the last egg in it's clutch. "Tell Bail and Adam..." She turned back, one last time. For a split second, Eskel would see the spark in her eyes. A warning, an apology, a goodbye. Just before cold resolve swallowed it and left her gaze cold. "Tell them that Princess Kijani Organa is dead." With that, she turned her back. Her steps were straight, and steady. One could have balanced a tray on her head, such was her grace. When she reached the Emperor, she dipped into a curtsy. One that seemed out of sheer habit. The Princess had one last, fleeting thought. [i]If this is the price of peace... then I will pay a thousand times.[/i] And then slowly, deliberately, she let herself fall to one knee. The gambit, the cost, the consequences hers alone to bear.