It would be a crime not to acknowledge the squeak that Dolly makes as she is squeezed. It is by turns surprised, admiring, scandalized, and breathy. No wonder that she is the prize of a goddess, the desired trophy of a band of infamous pirates, and the heart of a harem, when she can make noises like [i]that[/i]. And the way she bushes up, and her eyes go wide! She's lucky Jade isn't here to torment her over it. Or, no, she does make a glance to one side as if expecting her wife's smug smirk, fingers winding about the length of a leash. But underneath, that sharp little mind is working and worrying at the thought of what the three (four? more?) of them could do together that isn't fighting, that isn't hunting down pirates, that isn't using Jade's strength and her grace to do things that other people can't. (But Whispered Promise, she can. Maybe it's all right to trust her.) Maybe Jade could go on circuits of the colonies, use her strength to perform great feats, dispense justice, and... oh, no, that just goes right back to fighting, doesn't it? But how else could the two of them create change, really create change, while also seeing the universe? What lies outside of fighting? And would [i]Jade[/i] be happy without fighting? The thought of becoming a little botanist again seems laughable, not when the universe is wide open and waiting for them. (And not when, she selfishly must admit, the thought of being a, an [i]icon,[/i] an artist's model, the subject of attention, grows more and more. Would it be the end of the world if she dressed a little more... desirably? Accepted that she wants to be seen, to be wanted, to be... that even now, she still wanted to hear that the Red Band had posters up of her?) But that's hardly the sort of thing that you can choose to do as a high priestess, because surely Jade's will is what really matters? (But Jade... would do whatever made her Dolly happiest.) So what Dolly eventually ends up doing is creating a cult-wide poll on what she should propose to the Great Hunting Goddess, Smokeless Jade Fires. [ ] Hunting down the Red Band [ ] Roving force of justice [ ] Return to Hybrasil and make a temple complex [ ] make garden paradise planet?? [ ] add ideas below please??