"Yeah..." He said looking at Baron. "Do you even know how to use that?" Commented sarcastically, feeling rage swell in him. "To answer your question, I was looking for a very specific plant in this area. Then I saw this beam of light in the sky. That is the only reason why I'm moving this way, because I feel like things are going to go down. My kind would rather not get involved in this debacle..." he said as he grimly observed the priest. "I will say this openly..." He looked over at the Chosen. "You do know what I am correct? Then you know of what power I may possess?" He said raising a question. "I'm going to warn you... There are people around that area going rampart, readying for some battle. It's why I'm going away from there" He folded his arms. "If you are really hell bent on going... Then I guess I could be your guide." He said reluctantly. "But first I believe I show know your names." He said gazing on the others. "I have a rather long name... Christopher Aurea Shuzen, though I'm called CAS where I'm from. Just easier to say rather than blurt everything out..." He felt he was rambling to people who really would never care unless they were going to benefit from pointless knoledge, but if he could prevent a bloody situation, he would.