[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231205/5f510686b9c08f0a95e4b40e5b064e3a.png[/img][/center][hr] Jimmy strained visibly as he helped the Machamp to his feet, the Pokémon much heavier than he had anticipated. He then heard a cry from nearby as a woman in a chef's outfit ran towards him and the Machamp, clamping them a three-way handshake. She thanked him profusely, before offering them a meal on the house. [color=orange]"Yeah, I think I can work with that."[/color] Jimmy smirked, once more full of confidence. He also noticed the suit the Machamp was wearing wasn't looking so good anymore. He had made suits for Pokémon before, but not specifically for a Machamp. Those four arm holes would be a bit of a challenge, but nothing he couldn't handle. Perhaps he could-- The ship rattled again as Jimmy snapped back reality. There would be time for that later. A voice on the loudspeaker rang out, asking the passengers to get to the main stadium for evacuation. Sounded like as good of an idea as any. Looks like it was time to hit the-- [color=orange]"Oh hey what's that?"[/color] Jimmy's eyes were immediately drawn to a rattling stone on the floor, apparently having come from the pillar that had just fallen over. As he held it in his hand, he could feel inspirational tingles in the back of his mind. Normally he would get out his sketchbook and let his mind wander, but there wasn't exactly time for that. Slipping the stone into one of his suit's inside pockets, he began to make his way towards the stadium. Now all he had to do was remember how to get there. He had spent his time mostly just wandering around without any real thought, or following the crowd as the main event was underway. Fortunately for him, maps were pretty commonplace, so it couldn't be too hard, right? It's not like the flickering lights, screaming people, and several alcoholic beverages in his system would hinder him in any significant amount. Just gotta do this one step at a time. He'd make it about halfway there when a giant holographic Pokémon erupted through the floor, sending several passengers reeling back in fear. Jimmy couldn't quite see what it was, but what he could see was a beautiful shade of red, like the last flickers of light over the sunset. Jimmy instinctively reached for his sketchbook, only for a stray passenger to elbow him in the side as they ran past him towards the evac point. Right. There was danger. There would be time for that stuff later. Several flights of stairs later an exhausted Jimmy made it to the central stadium. Unfortunately for Jimmy the suit he was wearing was for social events, not sporting events. Although... maybe he could make a suit specifically [i]for[/i] sporting events! It could breathe easy, with flexible joints that-- The ship's floor rocked once more as Jimmy stumbled forwards. Right. Gotta keep focus.