[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.94b09bc678ec8449dfff4c87876218de?rik=YiezVXVQsk%2bhZA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.tumblr.com%2faaf7d51a6ad4c3e47fd4fd0cb91e69e1%2ftumblr_inline_mr4rzjEZHB1qz4rgp.gif&ehk=HXefSPWmnLUTpKu4u0l9%2f1pzJlxIAOVLV9Ph3ckBDVo%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Lotus Hotel & Casino – Las Vegas [color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color] Light Manipulation; [/center] [hr][hr] As Ezekiel spoke, everything seemed muffled. Ezekiel opened and closed his jaw, feeling like his ears needed to pop or something. He spoke again, saying not much of anything, but once again, Ezekiel got nothing but muffled sounds. He glanced at Demetri, trying to get his attention with words, and then he saw something flash. Ezekiel turned to see Niah on the other side of an Iris message. It looked like she was yelling. Ezekiel looked back at Nancy and the utter despair on her face. He looked back at Niah, back to Nancy, back to Niah and fell back on his heels. Something happened. Why else would Niah be in an Iris message and Nancy in a bubble of silent oblivion? He looked down at Sunshine and thought about what he could do. Growing up, Ezekiel always felt insignificant. His mother loved him and sacrificed everything for him, but it didn’t help this deep feeling Ezekiel had about not being good enough. He remembered staying up at night, watching the moon's glow or turning on a light source just to bring in a little bit of comfort and warmth. Ironic that his power would be the manipulation of sunlight. Ezekiel shut his eyes and held his hands slightly apart. His hands curved to create an open circle as he focused his energies. There wasn’t much natural light here, but Ezekiel had power within. They all did. It took Ezekiel some time, time he knew they didn’t have, but he didn’t care. He would give Nancy all his time. Eventually, Ezekiel created a small light orb that emitted some heat. At first, his light was small and shaky, but after another push, Ezekiel expanded the light to be bright enough and warm enough to keep a little boy warm on a cold, lonely night. Or a little girl. Ezekiel held the light in his hands, presenting the orb to Nancy. He looked at her, looked at Niah, Demi, and then Nancy once more. He couldn’t say anything, but he could do this. He could sit here and give Nancy some light at the end of the tunnel.